Changing Skin Color to a color that is not a normal skin color
I was messing around in Daz last night and just for fun I decided to try to make a picture for my nephew. He loves the Hulk so I used the age morphs to make the character his approx age then the Massive Morph to really bulk him up. Last I tried changing his skin color to Green. I can't remember which setting I used but it did turn him a very Hulk shade of green. When I rendered it though, it rendered as sort of a brown reddish color. Like clay. Was still an interesting look but not exactly what I was going for. Has anyone else tried to do this kind of skin change? I know a lot of people do fantasy type renders so I thought I'd ask which setting I would have to toy with to get this effect. Thanks for any tips! :)
If you are using the UberIray shader you will need to adjust the Translucency and Transmitted Colors to greenish tones also.
Ahhh, perfect! Thanks again!