Gen X2 and Victoria 4.2 dial in Shaping Tab?

I'm trying to get a better handle on how Gen X2 works to transfer morphs and characters, and I'm using tutorials here:
And here:
Both tutorials, after they have created and transferred the morphs - describe loading a new Genesis character, then going into the Shaping tab, and under Female turning the Victoria 4.2 slider up to 1.
I have a Victoria 5 and a Victoria 5 Super Model dial in the shaping tab - but no Victoria 4.2 shaping tab.
I do have Victoria 4.2, all injection morphs, characters... as a stand alone character. Just no "clone shape" dial/slider in the shaping tab.
Am I supposed to, or is there something else I need to buy that these videos assume I have, but I do not?
Post edited by donovancolbert on
I responded on the YouTube thread, but I'm pretty sure it's that you're missing.
It's a good point, and I hadn't thought about folks who might not have it, especially after all this time when we're on G3F and users probably don't pick it up. Back when I created it, I think pretty much everybody bought it, and so it was 'shared context'.
Sorry the video didn't age well. :-/
-- Morgan
Thanks for the quick response, here and on YouTube! I really dig the way the DAZ 3D user community is so patient with Noobs like myself. :)
Even without the legacy shapes, I was able to follow your instructions close enough to get a V4 character and her mats, hair and clothes to work on Gen 1 Female. G2F seems to be a different story. So, I see it as glass-half-full... the video actually aged very well that it got me as far along as it did. :)
I'm a little bummed that it requires additional DAZ content to REALLY get the morph transfer to work "correctly". How does that apply to other legacy characters like K4? I see they work for transferring morphs, but applying a K4 morph after the transfer, things didn't quite line up. I'm just playing around with Gen X2 trying to figure out what it is capable of and how to achieve it... but the documentation is a little opaque and I'm having a bit of a challenge finding video tutorials that are very current. It seems like there are all kinds of areas where I might want to use it... I always find myself going between G1, G2 and G3 and wishing that the morph dials from a different generation were available on the generation I am currently working with. But I haven't completely figured out how that works in practical application. :)
V4 and M4 shapes for genesis has been added to my wishlist! Thanks again for the quick response, Morgan.
Ahh... I see.... now...
which further requires
So, I just didn't understand completely when I bought the package all of the requirements to fully be able to use it.
It still did what I wanted it for... but if I want to get all the milegage out of it, I'm not done spending. I don't know why that should be a surprise to me! The more I learn, the more I learn it is going to cost me! :D