How do I make the Armor fit on the T-Shirt?

I tryed "fit to T-shirt" but nothing changed, either that isen't the way or I missing a step.

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  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    You need to set the collision to the T-Shirt, not the parenting. Check the parameter tab.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,883

    If the armor and the T-shirt are from two different products, they are not designed to work together.

    1. You can look at the armor and see if it has morphs to make it larger, like expand all,  waist larger, or something like that.
    2. You can apply a smoothing modifier to the armor and set it to collide with the T-shirt.
    3. You can try a product from the store like Fit Control that adds morphs to clothing to help you fit one layer over another. (But the Fit Control for the generation of character you are putting the clothing on (Genesis 2 Male in this case, I believe).
  • AndroolAndrool Posts: 85

    I try to look into this. Thx.

  • AndroolAndrool Posts: 85

    I got it mostly right with your inputs, aint the front belly straps. I assume there is still some kind of magnets or somthing else I can use for this parts? I'm not realy in a hury to buy more products, I already spend to much these last days and since the armor is for g3m and the model is g2m Gianni 6 I'm not sure they will help in this particular case.

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  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    I don't know which particular model you have there (a link would be nice if it's in this shop).

    The only help there is manual adjustment. Normally, the verst would have some adjust ment morphs built in. They would be found in the parameter tab under "Actor". If there aren't any morphs, go to the bones of the armor in the scene tab, and see if there is a separate bone for the belly strap. You can then use the scale option to make it larger or smaller. In lack of a separate bone, check out which of the abdomen bones of the vest holds the belt strap, and carefully nudge up the scale (z and x scale) until the belt is large enough.

  • AndroolAndrool Posts: 85
    edited October 2016

    I used the built in sliders to get that far sadly aint I use the hided ones that also deform the plate there is nothing for the belly strap and the hided belly ajuster move the plate to and the result is either I ruin the plate or the strap are inide the t-shirt.

    Of course I buyed it just befor the big sale. ^^

    It's prety cool actualy when you use them all together. It just has some trouble adjusting on the T-shirt.

    I found an interesting tutorial saying to use D-Form when everything else fail but not explaining it, I will look into this.

    Post edited by Androol on
  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    I bought that one, too. But I'm not at my PC at the moment...

    I'll see if I can put together something when I have access to my PC again.

  • AndroolAndrool Posts: 85


    The Tshirt isent part of the pack obviously.

    Still dont trouble yourself too much, I'll do without it or repaint it in post work at worst. Was just thinking of using it more casualy on inspector character in some sceen since the regular cop will have the full outfit.

    My main interest is to learn how to fix things in general but since that the first piece in my little project where I hit a wall I started on this one. As I said previously I reed a tutorial about fixing pok throug that say when all else faild use D-Form but dont elaborate. Since it's basicaly a giant pok throug I guess it will work for this too. I still have to anderstand D-former and I didn't try it yet, but if I'm right the solution is there so I guess I just have to try these D-former and figures them out.

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited October 2016

    Okay... the first I found is "Adjust Fit". It's under "Morphs" not "Actor". I'm not sure if you have already used this option?


    The "manual method" would me scaling up different parts of the item. This could also be used to slightly change bendings to make things look abit more natural, or avoid certain types of collisions between shoes and pants, for example.

    In the scene tab, select the armor and expand the bone structure:

    The Abdomen is where the belt is located, so I select that bone. You can see which region is affected by the bounding box corners.

    Changing over to the Parameters tab, I now can adjust the scaling. you'd want to scale the X and Z axis. If it doesn't show, you need to open the hidden parameters by clicking on the listing in the top right corner of the tab.

    The back side needed abit more upscaling. You can use the bend, twist and side-side to change movement of the bone. That works fine most of the time, but sometimes has undesired results, i.e. if you do more than just gentle nudging.

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  • AndroolAndrool Posts: 85
    edited October 2016

    Ok thx.

    I tred it right away and I missed the morph thing I was in the surface nae and not the parameter one. It dont realy help me to be honest since it's a general scaling that goes all direction and I basicaly have everything wrong to get the belly right with it.

    I'm trying the rest of your explication right now and I think that exactly what I needed in this case for what I understand of the images.

    Edit: I can't make it fit right for now, but I learned a lot with this post. It will be usefull more than once in other situations.


    Post edited by Androol on
  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    If you have set the collision of the vest to the shirt, it should already expand things properly, and you'd only need small adjustments. What are your settings for the collision in the Parameter tab? There should be something about "Collision iterations" there, what is the setting of that?.

  • AndroolAndrool Posts: 85
    edited October 2016

    Honestly I gave up at some point and restarted ( not from scratch since I was still building other wearable outfit for this character)

    The first try was far better so yes I must have somthing wrong on the fit or somthing.

    On the try on the previouse screenshot I had the back totaly right, now with everything at 100% I still have the back armor in the Tshirt.

    I guess everything for colision is in the misc subpanel?

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  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited October 2016
    Androol said:

    Honestly I gave up at some point and restarted ( not from scratch since I was still building other wearable outfit for this character)

    The first try was far better so yes I must have somthing wrong on the fit or somthing.

    On the try on the previouse screenshot I had the back totaly right, now with everything at 100% I still have the back armor in the Tshirt.

    I guess everything for colision is in the misc subpanel?

    I just realized that the vest doesn't have the collision option.

    To add the collistion option, in the Scene Tab, first select the vest. Then, go to the selection tab (that's in the same spot where you would select the hidden properties). From the list that opens, select "Apply Smoothing Modifier". This will add the collision.

    In the Parameters tab, select "Mesh Smoothing". Change the "Collision Item" of the vest to your shirt. Then, crank up the Collision iterations. It might need a while (up to a minute, maybe longer) for your computer to calculate the collision. You can follow the progress at the bottom of the program window. When it's done, it will show the vest properly. If you use "Adjust fit" prior to that, smoothing will just need a handful of iterations. In my example, I have added 62 iterations, but no Adjust fit.

    EDIT: In a posing test, if I added Adjust fit +5%, I only needed 8 extra iterations of Collision Iterations to smooth out the problem. Of course, if you have strong bump maps on the shirt, you will need more than that.

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    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • AndroolAndrool Posts: 85

    Ok Thx I'll try that.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,883

    That looks great, Bee.

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