Need some advice with Iray lights.

I buyed some light In a very bargained bundle recently.

I buyed the bundle for the light mainly but I dont think I grasp how to use them. I got strong ambiant light in the Viewport but they are realy dull in the render. I hope somone can give me some hint on how to use them.


  • TottallouTottallou Posts: 555
    edited October 2016

    Perhaps if you are using Smart Content all the parts of the set are not obvious.

    This is how I find it easiest to use this & any other purchased light set:

    Go to "My Library - Light Presets -dragon3d- ClubNoir and you should see 3 folders

    1. Environments
    2. Lights
    3. Options

    There are several options in each folder so you can choose whichever gives the effect you want

    502 x 779 - 64K
    Post edited by Tottallou on
  • AndroolAndrool Posts: 85

    Well I think you are right, now I have to figure out how they work together because even knowing that I m far to get the result shown in the thumbnails.


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    You first select an environment from folder 1.

    Then you select the spotlights from folder 2.

    Critically then is folder 3, which are the changes to the render settings.

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