Rules about selling textures
While working on something for myself, I created a texture that I thought other people might be interested in. So I started searching for selling information. I found this page: However I could not figure out if we were legally allowed to create new textures for preexisting daz products. I would think you would be allowed to since people would have to purchase the original in order to use the new texture, but before I invest a lot of time in preparing an item to send to DAZ I'd like some reassurance that I'm not breaking the law by either giving or selling my textures.
Yes, you can...but it isn't a simple thing. In order to be 'legal' you can't just alter an existing texture...change the color or something. It needs to be made from scratch with rexources of your own creation (FilterForge generated maps, own photos, etc) or texture resources that are allowed to be commercially resold/reused.
Thanks. Completly new texture is no problem. :)