Download failed - Genesis 3 Female Starter Essentials


I've been trying to download the "Genesis 3 Female Starter Essentials" through the DAZ Install Manager, but it doesn't work.

It always says "download failed" as soon as I start to resume the download. Everything else worked just fine!

I tried running it as admin, rebooting my PC, uninstalling and reinstalling the DAZ Install Manager.. nothing seems to help.

Am I missing something very obvious?


  • The site has been having issues for the last week or so. They are being worked on and I thought DIM downloads were genrally fixed, but you might want to try deleting the .part file in the Downloads folder to force DIM tos tart over from scratch and - if that doesn't work - post a message to Daz_Rawb as per

  • AndySAndyS Posts: 1,438

    Hi Richard,

    ... but you might want to try deleting the .part file in the Downloads folder to force DIM tos tart over from scratch

    does this apply for failed updates, too?

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    With DIM, yes, because it downloads the entire package when performing an update...

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