No one asked me - Diomede screenshots on whatever - Warning AI Discussion OK



  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,006

    awesome and hot  stuff @diomede  .. great looking start to the skull yes

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    carrara 3 book came.  cd intact.  looks like theres a modeling tutorial for a toon dino heart

  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,424

    awesome and hot  stuff @diomede  .. great looking start to the skull yes


  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135
    Mystarra said:

    carrara 3 book came.  cd intact.  looks like theres a modeling tutorial for a toon dino heart


    Yay, glad you got the cd included with the book.  There are a bunch of models included.  Unfortunately, many have unhelpful names like "VP4009."  That happens to be a flying monster.

    1426 x 793 - 135K
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135
    edited September 2019

    Thanks, Stezza and Bunyip.  No time to finish the model this weekend, but hope to get to it soon.

    Post edited by Diomede on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    Diomede said:
    Mystarra said:

    carrara 3 book came.  cd intact.  looks like theres a modeling tutorial for a toon dino heart


    Yay, glad you got the cd included with the book.  There are a bunch of models included.  Unfortunately, many have unhelpful names like "VP4009."  That happens to be a flying monster.

    yeah. not helpful name.  lol  looking for ships in the lot. something like a firefly class or romulan bird of prey

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    face rigging works fine and dandy in carrara.

    but no clue how to set it up from scratch 

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135
    edited October 2019
    Mystarra said:

    face rigging works fine and dandy in carrara.

    but no clue how to set it up from scratch 


    Not sure if the following is a good way or not, but this is what I did for the Brash Lonergan character.

    I took my Brash mesh and set up a bone skeleton like normal, with bones up the spine to the top of the neck.

    For the head, I created a bone from the top of the neck to the middle of the head, and then another bone at the top of the head to finish.

    From the bone at the middle of the head (which is not meant to move or twist), I extended bones forward, one to the base of the chin (makes it easier to prevent neck rotations from distorting the head), one to the middle of the face, etc.

    From the bone at the mddle of the face (still interior to head and not meat to move), I extended bones to the corners of the mouth, etc. that I wanted to use to help with expressions.

    It might be hard to see, but if you download and expand the screenshot you might see some bone skeleton in the face, and the bone list on the right.


    In my experience the facial bones are best used subtly as a supplement to traditional morphs.  Here, I select Brash's mesh and you cn see on the right that I still have morph areasand a few of the (many) traditional morph channels can be seen.


    Assuming the skeleton is attached to the mesh, if you enter the mesh's modeling room and go to the animation tab, and select a vertex, you can see which bones can currently influence that vertex.  The other eightmapping tools are available as well.


    And here is an example of moving the bone for the right corner of the mouth upwards.  Again, ths is an over-distortion, but I hope you can see how it could be used to suppement a traditional expression morph.


    bb01 brash facial bones.JPG
    1596 x 841 - 196K
    bb02 seelct esh and see some morph areas and morph slots.JPG
    1470 x 839 - 178K
    bb03 mesh modeling room animation mode select vertex se bones that can influence.JPG
    1569 x 748 - 138K
    bb04 crude move corner mouth.JPG
    791 x 823 - 69K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675


    did you have to do anything with smoothing?

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135

    The Brash model is very low poly for a humanoid figure, so yes I apply smoothing.  I'm not sure that the smoothing is necessary for the facial bones to work in general, smoothing is just enabled so that the facial bones will work reasonably well.  

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited October 2019

    on the rigged text thing, had to parent the bones to the text, then i was able to save the text as rigged.

    don't understand the detach and attacb skeleon,
    i detach the skeleton, from the text, and tried the poser version sea dragon.
    it lets me detach the skeleton but the attach is greyed out, it won't let me re attach the skeleon

    when i go the model room, animate, i see the save and load weightmap.  don't see anything to save and load a skeleton. 


    Post edited by Mistara on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135


    I can attach a skeleton, and then reattach it.  But if I do, then I lose any weight adjustments I made after the first attachmet, but the skeleton does attach again.

    Can you list the steps you are using?

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,068

    Honestly I just use that plugin DAZ studio mostly now unless I want a quick dirty rig to reshape something to a nice tpose then Carrara shines for that as DS is slow and twiddlier but retains weightmapping adding bones etc, both have their strengths.

    Reusing stuff and multiple software usage DAZ studio is better but a fast adjustment and needing to just animate something Carrara.

    Yes moving text I would use Carrara too but I would convert it to other modeller vertex which I think is your issue.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135
    edited October 2019

    I inserted a text object and typed Hello World

    I used the edit menu to convert the text object to a vertex object.

    (optional) In vertex modeler, leaving the default sharp edges, I selected a polygon to bring up the smoothing menu, applied oe level of smoothing, and converted to add mesh density.

    I used the orthoganal cameras and bone tools to create a skeleton for the mesh object

    I selected the root bone and the mesh, and then used attach skeleton from the animation menu

    I tested a pose or two then undid to return to base pose.

    I then went t animaiton menu and did unattach.  Worked fine.  Could move skeleton and mesh separately.

    I realigned the mesh and the skeleton and used attach again.  Poses worked again.


    See attached zip file.


    hello world.JPG
    1409 x 809 - 155K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    thanks.  root bone?  bone 1?

    when i go into the model room, the animation menu disappears.

    tried activating the bone tool.

    first i played with the text in the native content demo

    then i tried the sea dragon poser model. the detach skeleton works

    but no matter what i select, attach skeleton stays greyed out.

    selecting hip doesn't give the attach option, hip should be the root bone?

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    OH JEEEEZ  had to select the geometry ANND the bones  LOL

    holy crappe.

    thank you both for suffering my ignorance  lol

    ca 6 oh jeez select 2 obj.JPG
    830 x 542 - 90K
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    It didnt work while the bones were parented to the text.  had to reparent the bones to the 'scene'!


    It worked!  transferred the skeleton to a new text converted vertex

    now to put the animated shader on it.

    if only consolidate shader worked on text , every shader domain is assigned to default 1
    can't paste the keyframes into the default1 

    was able to duplicate the keyframes down the track to match the animation, that one relief

    now i just need some of that old benny hill music for the sound track

    duplicating down the track.jpg
    1143 x 665 - 184K
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,068

    I create an animation group myself 

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited October 2019

    tee hee

    i dont see how to add music from the yt free lib

    Post edited by Mistara on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,068

    stopped audioswapping for me too just makes videos unavailable and never adds

    need creator studio classic too

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    next skeleton test is transferring a figure skeleton to clothing object  all with skeleton obj.

    and then back to the soft sim testing.

  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588
    Mystarra said:

    tee hee

    i dont see how to add music from the yt free lib

    Ha!  Got a chuckle from me. smiley

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,006
    Mystarra said:

    tee hee

    i dont see how to add music from the yt free lib

    now, if you re-do that with a line of sprinkles heading for a finger bun yes

    cutesy wink

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    doh, trying to push some verts, but when i click animate to see where they are, the handles disappear. i go back to model tab, the handles come back but the verts go back to default position.

    tpology protect is off. tried again after saving as .car file. same thing. tried create morph and edit, but then it doesn't let me select anything.  i can randomly puth the verts in model tab, but is pure guess work where the verts need to be


    ca no handles to push.JPG
    984 x 647 - 108K
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    oh i get it.   have to export the mesh mess as a morph target.  re import it and do the morph correction on that.

  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,424
    Mystarra said:

    oh i get it.   have to export the mesh mess as a morph target.  re import it and do the morph correction on that.

    Hope you get it to work Misty !

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,068

    I tried creating a morph target using just those toe vertices pulled down myself in DAZ

    but sadly it didn't work in Carrara

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135

    Wow!  I’m a whole page behind my own thread!  Love the video Misty. You are awesome.


    cant help with the morph. Now that I’ve been dabbling more in other Daz programs, I wonder if the ties could be re-weightmwpped, saved as another character, then converted to blended. Talking out of my As$. Probably out of my depth. 

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    I tried creating a morph target using just those toe vertices pulled down myself in DAZ

    but sadly it didn't work in Carrara

    i been comparing the left and right bigtoe2 all weekend.  trying to figure out what the difference is
    like, is something wrong with the vert order?

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135
    edited October 2019

    October 2019 is a Month of Tutorials for Me

    Not directly Carrara tutorials, although almost everything I've done so far can translate to Carrara.  During my month in Maine, I'm watching/reading lots of tutorials and taking lots of reference photos.  I've been noting which tutorials I've completed and posting occasional freebies and reviews.

    Hopefully soon, I will have learned enough to 

    - model a building exterior and door in Hexagon (and UVMap)

    - create PBR shaders in Substance Painter

    - load the shaders in Daz Studio

    - rig the outer door in Studio

    The result should be a small set that is compatible with Carrara.  When done, and if I'm satisfied, I will make it available as a freebie. 

    Post edited by Diomede on
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