Looking for Snow/Winter Outfits (V4)

Anyone know of any winter outfits similar to
Snow Maiden V4
V4 Snow Bunny
with the fur and stuff? I'm trying to scrap together some winter stuff for a winter themed render. :)
Which program are you going to use?
All versions of DS and older versions of Poser are going to need displacement based textures.
Newer Versions of Poser can use fur based on the Hair room as well as the displacement ones.
There is this outfit:
Thanks! Wish it was a bit fluffier but its still what I'm looking for!
If you use texture/displacement based fur, you can apply them to any garment with a rolled hem.
Try this:
Collect freebies with fur trim, whether they look like what you want or not. Open them up and look at how the fur texture is done. Eventually you will find one that is generic enough to transfer to other garments.
Find a garment that is similar to what you want that has rounded edges where you want the fur.
Apply the texture you have found. Play with the displacement to get thicker or shorter fur.
You can make just about anything into Winter clothing using Furify: http://www.daz3d.com/shop/furify-fur-shaders
It is Shader Mixer fur and as close as you will get in DS to Poser dynamic fur. None of the outfits in the promos are Winter clothing....