how to use G3F fake eyes reflections with iray (solved)
Can't find any way to do it .. I turned off reflection and specular in cornea pupils and sclera but reflections still show up .. I want them off .. how to do it ?? The reason why I'd like to do this is because I'd rather bake reflections in the textures than fight real lighting reflections. For still pictures is a fast way to control eyes.
Also, just out of curiosity. I see those jeane eyes reflection 01 02 03 in the g3f materials but it seems they are useless in iray ??? They don't show up in any way .. so I can't understand why they are there at all ..
Thank you for any help
Post edited by Padone on
Can't find any way to do it .. I turned off reflection and specular in cornea pupils and sclera but reflections still show up .. I want them off .. how to do it ?? The reason why I'd like to do this is because I'd rather bake reflections in the textures than fight real lighting reflections. For still pictures is a fast way to control eyes.
Also, just out of curiosity. I see those jeane eyes reflection 01 02 03 in the g3f materials but it seems they are useless in iray ??? They don't show up in any way .. so I can't understand why they are there at all ..
Thank you for any help
Merged duplicate threads.
Since you mention specular it sounds as if you are working with 3Delight materials - you may find it easier to work directly with the iray Uber Base sahder. However, the first thing to do is make sure you are adjusting the right surfaces - you probably need to adjust the Eye Moisture surface more than the oens you are adjusting.
Thank you very much for your reply !! Sorry I tried to delete the double post but didn't find any way to do it .. The Eye Moisture in g3f is a omHumanSurface shader and can't find any reflection parameter in it. How am I supposed to change it to turn off reflections please ??
.. sorry I am dumb I just found the specular specular 2 and reflection active in the Eye Moisture and turned them off .. but it seems reflections still show up ..
ok let's do it some more technical here so I hope someone can help better
1) load g3f
2) set iray environment to sun-sky only
3) leave everything else at default settings and render
1) turn off reflection, specular and specular 2 in EyeMoisture
2) render again
Well I can't see any difference between the two renders
reflections still show up, image attached
Don't turn off the eye moisture surface and go to Shader Presets > Iraay >Daz UBER > Water Thin, double click.
While that is a good approach in general Padone is specifically wanting to use "fake" reflections, not reflections based on the scene contents (which is a reasonable thing to do if the scene is empty - though it is possible to load some primitives and adjust their colours to generate soemthing light-weight to show in reflections).
ok I found it out by myself, sharing for anyone interested
1) set EyeMoisture and Cornea shader to Daz Studio Default
2) set Lighting Model to Matte and Opacity to zero
p.s. the Water Thin trick doesn't seem to work to turn off reflections thanks anyway
The 'baked' reflections are meant for 3Delight renders, not Iray.
Thank you so much for your reply. Since G3F is designed specifically for iray I assumed all her materials to work fine with it. My fault. I tested the G3F fake refs with 3delight and they work fine.
Anyway I'm going to give a try to fake refs with iray too. This has the advantage you don't have to fight with real lights to get the refs you want. And as a side fx render times are also better since iray doesn't have to compute real refs.
The Genesis 3 figures were not designed specifically for Iray - they were available before Iray was added to DS (or at least, the female was - I'm not good at chronology so the male may have been later than iray, though I don't think so). In face they load with a 3Delight shader applied, otherwise you would not see the Specular property.
Richard, I am pretty sure G3F came out together with DS4.8 with materials optimized for iray (AoA sss shader). While DS4.6 and 4.7 came out with G2F for 3delight (uber shader). Same for DS4.5 with G1. You just have to load in the figures in the scene to see it yourself. Anyway doesn't really matter.
At last this is the G3F fake reflection with iray
EyeMoisture: default shader, matte, opacity 100 with G3F ref map, diffuse 254.254.254
Cornea: default shader, matte, opacity zero
Sclera: default shader, matte
NOTE: if you set diffuse to 255.255.255 in EyeMoisture, that is pure white, the ref map is ignored by iray and the scene lights are used for reflections. This is a strange behaviour dunno why iray does so. Just be warned.
Hope this is useful. Bye.
The AoA shader is not is 3Delight.
If you are using 3Delight shaders and rendering in Iray, they will be converted to Iray shaders on the fly and the settings won't matter, you will have no real control over them after/during that process.
This means G3F doesn't come with iray materials then. This is odd since she was bundled with DS 4.8 and advertised as iray optimized. The G3F page itself states "iray advanced render settings". Well if she doesn't even use iray shaders I wonder what advanced settings are they referring to.
Anyway good to know of, thanks. I'll search around for some shader tutorials just to get some acquaitance with them. If the internal conversions are good I guess this doesn't matter much.