Looking for Bryce Alien Bldgs

any one have link to download them ?
They were made years ago by a group and I have lost the files .
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any one have link to download them ?
They were made years ago by a group and I have lost the files .
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No - you've searched the Internet, I take it.
yes can't find a link
Well, maybe more sci-fi than "alien" but have you looked at Gendragon's profile on sharecg? http://www.sharecg.com/pf/gendragon
Also spacebones has all kinds of different things that are handy and many sci-fi/alienish. http://www.sharecg.com/pf/spacebones
Those are my top two favorite folks when looking for things to use in bryce.
EDIT: Also you can find some curious things if you browse through the bryce section of rendo's free stuff collection but there is a lot of stuff to look through.
thank you - first one is one of the people :-)
and the other has some cool stuff too .
There is also this site where they have free downloads of everything needed to recreate Brycetopia
Although you may need a translator the site appears to be in some form of hispanic language.
thank you
If it's these bdgs, then here's the link;
Beware that the link is over eight years old
Hot dog thats it - thank you :-)
Can't believe you found them .
Thanks for this, gonna have fun!