I have some questions concerning products plus needing some help

Ok i am back to DAZ after several years and i am stretching my fingers for now.
Ok my questions now.
1. I am planning to work on a series of pics concerning the Byzantine Empire and another one concerning the Papacy. However i cant find the proper clothing and props for my models. Can someone point me in the right direction to search for products or i have to create my own?
2. I have a slight ptoblem with clothing and movement. For instance yesterday i was trying to create a pic of Kali dancing but her clothes didnt followed the pose pattern and looked "broken" on her after applying the pose. Am i doing something wrong or i need some extra morph program for clothing?
3. Iray doesnt seem to work properly on my PC but i guess thats a RAM Memory problem right? (Have only 2GB RAM. Old PC i know but i plan to upgrade soon). Same hapens with rendering. Only BasicGL works all others just crash the programme.
4. Need to give a sense of photorealism on my pics. Do i need any product for that or i ust have to play with lights and rendering?
Glad to hear any answers (especially on question Nr. 1 as i need to start these pics)
#2...can you post an example pic of what you end up with?
#3 & 4...with that little RAM no amount of playing with light/etc is going to up the 'realism'. It's a limit of the OpenGL shader set in Studio, there's not much that can be done without being able to use one of the two included 'premium' renderers (3Delight or Iray) and 2 GB is not enough to do much without crashing.
Yeah i know. I am planning to upgrade my RAM to 4GB at least as soon as possible. It might be a stupid question but i ll ask it anyway. If i use a USB flash as a memory booster (you know raising RAM temporarily as long as the USB flash is pluged on the computer) is there a chance that Iray could work or i need to add the "real deal" (aka adding new RAM memory).
As for #2 I dont have the pic as i deleted it since it was a mess. But i can tell you that while the "dancing Kali" pose was applied perfectly her clothing didnt followed her movement and remained mostly static.
Iray requires the 64-bit version of DS, I suspect you have only a 32-bit OS. In any event even 4GB is not much and would still be very limiting.
At times the Byzantine Empire stretched from the Pillars of Hercules to Crimea, Armenia and almost to the border of Sudan and lasted 900 to 1100 years (depending on when you count it starting).
If you can give a few more clues what sort of folk you want to depict and where and when you want to place then I may be able to point you at some useful sets but it will involve kit-bashing.
Edit: Also, what figures/characters are you hoping to use?
I was thinking of depicting scenes from life in the Palace mostly Emperors,, Empresses maybe some officials between 6th and 10th century.
I was thinking about genesis 3 females and males.
Haven't forgotten you, just been a bit tied up the last few days.
Anyway you picked a tricky one. There is very little about suitable for long Tunica/Kamision that's made for Genesis 3.
Of the three that I'm aware of for G3M:
I only have the first one and the collar is all wrong for your use (also the sleeves are modelled as sewn on but that applies to all three). It should be possable to hide that well enough with a transparancy map, will try when I get time.
I can't say much about the other two, they both look like they have some potential but with no material zones displayed on their shop pages it's hard to tell how easy retexturing will be.
One of the biggest absences is the compleat lack of a suitable cloak. The nearest is the one from: http://www.daz3d.com/desert-pathfinders-for-genesis-2-male-s (the hood is a separate part)
But I can't get it to fit well to G3M particularly with other clothing on.
There are a few bits and peices scattered around various set that could be useful for headwear/footwear etc. This looks handy: http://www.daz3d.com/medieval-fantasy-accessories-for-genesis-2-female-s
While it's for G2F I have had no issue autofitting/parenting to G3M/F.
Haven't had time to look into options for G3F yet.
Whatever you end up using (if anything) you are going to need to do a fair bit of retexturing.
Below is a quick render using:
on G3M