HELP with Electromancy for Iray

in New Users
Hi. I can't change the color of the lightning. Whatever color I choose It's always gray. What I'm doing wrong?

1280 x 728 - 250K

500 x 647 - 70K
Try selecting the surface in the surface tab before applying the colour preset. Some items need the surface selected when changing materials.
It change the color in the viewport but not in the final render
Still gray! 
What can I do now?
And you are rendering in Iray?
Hi Mike! Yes, I'm
I have this product and never had any problems with it... if you give me a few, I'll do a step by step screenshot, so we can compare notes on where the process goes wrong for you.
EDIT: Images...
First, I set the background to black so I actually see anything.
Selecting the prop.
Selecting the prop in the scene tab.
Applying the material (I use a double click here).
A quick functional test by using the viewport render. A bright bluish light emitts.
Changing the light to red by double click.
Functional test by viewport render. The light now has a slightly reddish hue.
The effects becomes more prominent if you are using the bloom filter. Here's an example using the default settings, which of course is overkill.
And here it's for the green lighting: