Object touching plane = weird effect
I have this weird effect in one of my latest works.
When an object goes through a plane (ground in this case) there's a strange light effect going on (please see red highlight in attached render).
I have a distant light, below the ground plane, with no shadows pointing upwards as a sort of bounce light and I thouhgt that was the problem.
Unfortunately that's not the case. Even with that light switched off I have this problem.
Can anyone out there help me out? Much appreciated.

700 x 700 - 270K
Render settings?
Shader used on figures?
If this is 3Delight using the AoA SSS shader, make sure the different surfaces have different ID's
Sorry, here's some details
Renderer: 3Delight
Render settings: Non progressive, shading rate: 0.50
UberEnvironment settings: Please see attached image.
Only object I have with a texture is the cyclorama behind the humanoids. No reflections and a bit of Glossiness (87%).
Thank you for answering guys! :)
No other lights?
This is a very old problem with 3Delight (RiSpec renderers in general). If you don't have any shadow casting lights (or aren't using raytraced shadows) or have the shadow bias too high/low and a host of other things you can get this.
You mentioned a distant light pointing up...that's the one that needs the shadows on.
I have more lights. One above the whole scene. One below (with no shadows, otherwise it wouldn't go through the cyclorama) and a side fill.
What's strange is that even if I enable the shadows in the light below the strange effects still happens.
I know I can fix it in post but I really would like to know what the hell I'm doing wrong :)
You need to set the Cyclorama to not cast shadows (in Parameters) and have raytraced shadows enabled on the light below...then adjust the Shadow Bias as needed.
Thank you, tried all that too. Unfortunately it didn't work :(
It might be a bug indeed.
It may be the ambient occlusion setting of the UberEvironment.
I cn't think of anything else at this time...
What shader is being used on the figure and the floor?
Which parameter(s) specifically?