M4V4 expressions on Genesis?

Does anyone know if one can use the M4/V4 expressions on Genesis with DAZ Studio 4,5? They don't work on Genesis in DAZ Studio 4. I think it's a lost because a lot of artists have made amazing, great and realistic expressions for M4/V4. I really hope they can be used in Das Studio 4.5:roll:. (Sorry, I can't test it myself. I have some problem on downloading DAZ Studio 4.5. I wanted to download it to test if I could use M4/V4 expressions on Genesis.)
Best regards.
Unfortunately not, unless you use GenX (which needs DS 4.0) to move the Gen 4 morphs across. The morphs and thier names on Genesis are not the same as thjose on the Gen4 figures, so the settings won't have the desired effect.
Thank you for your answer. I didn't know I could use Gen X for the expressions. I will try to load some expressions with GenX.
Best regards.
I used GenX to convert the V4 Morphs++, and the expressions converted just fine. They're really useful, since they're dials instead of just presets.
"I used GenX to convert the V4 Morphs++, and the expressions converted just fine. They’re really useful, since they’re dials instead of just presets."
Great news! Thank you :lol:
Best regards.
Hi riftwitch,
Please, could you tell me how you do? I tried a lot myself but I can't get any morph to work. I tried to find some tutorial on DAZ and Renderosity sites but I can't find anything about translating expressions from David/M3/M4/V3/V4 to Genesis. Could you explain me how you do?
Best regards.
I also would like to transfer V4 expressions to genesis. Can someone give me a few pointers. I have tried to transfer the V4 morphs and just ended up with an over bloated shaping tab. Need some direction on how to use Genx properly...
I apologise for digging up an old thread, but am new to Genesis....
thanks Higgo78.