Prop set gives me a weird error message and is missing parts
I bought Pocket Filler yesterday primarily because it has a cash money prop. I downloaded through DIM yet it doesn't appear in my Smart Content which isn't a really a suprise. It seems most things I buy lately don't. I have to go searching for them in My Library and hope to find them. But I digress...
When I try to load the prop is gives me the error "This action requires an item in the scene to be selectedOnly" So i select my character and it does nothing. What does this error mean and how do I make this product load
Additionally, there is no money prop. The ad says it has 7 props. See the picture I attached.

1267 x 931 - 99K

691 x 184 - 29K
Are you sure those are the prop files and not materials for studio to apply to the props? I think based on age of the product that you need to look in the prop section of poser formats.
If you can't find the products in your library you can check out the readme or in DIM you can go to the install tab and select the product, RT click on it and select show installed files and that will show you where everything went.
I found where it went. My problem is that all the props aren't there and that I can't get it to load in the scene.
Can you show a screen shot of its location
This is an older product which has a main zip in Poser formats, plus a StudioCF zip with DS material presets. You need to install both zips, then load the prop from Content Library > Poser Formats > [content library name] > Props > Pocket Filler, then you can apply the material presets from Daz Studio Formats.
The props for this set are in Poser format, with additional DS material presets. Did you install both files for the product?
Yes I did download both. I didn't realize that Poser Material worked in Daz so I never though to check that folder. Viola! Money! Thanks for the point in the right direction! :)