Can't buy a product by using store credits.
I want to buy goth boots My friend send me a gift card (16 $) and I sucessfully redeme it. But when I press "Place Order" it's moves me to empty Shopping Cart. In the end I don't acquire the product. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?
Did you place the item in the cart? double check that you are logged in to the store by clicking on the little man icon maybe try refreshing your cart to make sure the item has been added
I login first, then I add item to cart, I refresh the page couple of times and it stays there. But after I press "Place Order" it wanish from the cart but I don't recive the product.
Are you sure, have you checked in your Product Library
Also you did Pay for the item, by using the "store Credit" button on the cart.
I cheked product library. My store credit balance stay the same.
Try adding another product to the cart, then remove the other product. Maybe it'ts one of these cases where the cart has gone canodels; it's usually fixed by adding and removing a second product.
Just tried removing from cart and clearing the whole cart. No result =(
No, I mean, actually have two items in the cart, then remove the one you don't want to buy. Sorry for phrasing it weirdly.
It doesn't work. Also I tried to add my product, add 5 random products, remove my product, then add my product, remove random products and nothing.
This is what support tells me
I tried buying my product like 20 times with different variations. It's not a random thing for me.
Have you tried using a different browser?
Do you get any error message at the top of the page when you press the "Place Order" button?
No error.
Opera, Chrome, Firefox, IE on different computers
That really sucks. The only thing I can imagine is if you'd had some cookie blocker in your anti virus that affects all ot the browsers.
I guess the only option then is to tell exactly this to CS, that you can't purchase the product no matter what browser or constellation you try... you can place the item in the cart, and have them complete the purchase for you. I've had my problems with the cart, but never to that extent.
Good luck.
Ok, after a long discussion with support I just gave them my login and pass. They done something and it finaly worked from the first try. Case is closed.