
in New Users
Any Daz users out there who might want to spend an hour with a complete novice just to get me going? I've downloaded a dog bundle, and primarily want to use Daz to pose some dogs and then export them for use in other 3D software. Computer savvy, 3d modeling/rendering savvy, but totally new to Daz.
Have you already done the walkthrough with the video tutorials? http://www.daz3d.com/help/help-daz-3d-video-tutorials
I started through a few of them. Where I'm stuck is this ... I downloaded the "Millenium Dog Bundle" which includes Millenium Dog LE, Millenium Dog Starter Kit, and Classic Canines Combo. I can see and load the LE model; I can see the Starter Kit but can't get anything to load; I can't locate the Canine Combo in Daz Studio. I'm wondering if something went wrong with the installer (I had a helluva time loading Bryce through the installer the other day, only to determine that I was missing an MS file that ultimately made it work). So ... I was hoping someone could just help me get my bearings. I'm confident I'll be able to manage through tutorials, with posing, rendering, exporting, etc., but I can't seem to figure out how to get all parts of my download to show up in Studio. Sorry for rambling. Could be a very quick session. Happy to pay for someone's time.
The dogs are old (as the name indicates), which is why you will find the materials in the Poser Formats part of the library.
The full version of the dog is located in "Content Library > Poser Formats > [content library name] > Figures > DAZ Animals" The poses are in "Content Library > Poser Formats > [content library name] > Pose > DAZ's Mil Dog", and the materials and morphs in "Content Library > Poser Formats > [content library name] > Pose > MAT Mil Dog". The files in "MAT Mil Dog" that begin with MAT are just the materials, and will work on both the full and LE versions of the dog; the ones that begin with MORMAT apply both the shape and the materials, and the shape part only works on the full version of the dog. I'm not certain where they show up in Smart Content -- I think the DIM-installed version shows up in Default > Animals, and the Connect-installed version in Default > Figures > Animals.
thanks very much. will take a look tonight after work. much appreciated!
Need to run, but I took a quick look. I only see one dog in the "DAZ Animals" ... is that one dog used for all breeds? Also, I found poses and materials, but I don't see content from the Canine Combo, only from the Starter Pack (for example, no Labradors, which I think were in the Combo). Anyway, thank you again SO much for the help & pointers!
I take it back. I see the Labs now. I guess my only remaining question is whether or not there's supposed to only be one dog in the DAZ animals, or a separate dog for each breed. Thanks again!
There's a single base figure, which is morphed to diffrent shapes and has different textures applied.
Thank you very much for the reply! I'll explore tonight.