Little help with a lighting issue? (probably not hard)
I am working with an environment that boasts a Translucent shader on screen so you can see shadows of people and things from another room. Pretty cool idea huh? I thought so too! The problem is, the tutorial tells me to do something and Daz says "No, sorry."
It was instructions to change the Shadow setting to Ray Traced with a setting of 5.0% The problem is, the shadow option is disabled when I select the lights. If anyone can look at the attached screen shots and tell me what I'm doing wrong, I would really appreciate it. It's a cool feature of this set and I'd like to be able to use it.

806 x 901 - 161K

522 x 684 - 47K
What render engine are you using? The Ray Traced and Shadow settings are only available in 3Delight.
To get the raytraced shadow option you will need to use the 3Dlight renderer rather than the Iray one.
In Iray you need to work with the Scatter and transmit settings to get that kind of translucency - I'm not sure, but I think this was discussed and a recipe given in a thread somewhere in the forums.
Well that explains it! It is an older environment. Thanks for solving that puzzle. Not sure how much luck I'll have finding that "recipe" in the Daz Jungle. I'll ask that specifically in a thread and see what turns up.
Thanks everyone!
As a first guess, you can try enabling subsurface scattering with a distance of zero. If an object in Modo is single-sided polygons, that gives a simple but workable translucency. YMMV in other products.
Try this Page 25.
That sounds like it might be a setting I can set under Surface but I'm not sure what Modo, one sided polygons or YMMV means. How do I enable subsurface scattering?
modo is another, pricey, 3D application - I think it was just being offered as an example of how things can work. A one-sided polygon is actually what al polygons are - they have a side that's their face (the normal diection) and in some applications they are invisib;e from behind (though DS doesn't do that); the approach to translucency for a solid volume (completely enclosed in outward-facing polygons) and single layer of polygons will not usually be the same. YMMV is just a standard shorthand - your mileage may vary - to indicate that the advice is not guaranteed to be wholly applicable to your requiorements or the tools you are using.
Thanks for filing me in Richard. His thread was way over my head
. How do I enable sub-surface scattering?
If you are using iray, apply the iray Uber Shader to the surface and adjust the Strength paarmeter to enable any particular group of parameters (that isn't enabled by regardless).