Rotated texture

in New Users
Can anybody tell me why a texture (in an iRay shader) would be rotated 90 degrees when I apply it to a surface? The texture is the right-way around when I look at it in the thumbnail and image editor on the surface tab.
I've noticed that sometimes Iray does dumb things with textures (such as not tiling them, wrong size, flipping them, or as in your case rotating them)
Fortunately I think size and rotation are the easier of the problems to fix.
Go to your materials tab for the item in question,
find the diffuse channel with the texture.
Click on the tiny image for the texture and in the list of choices that come up, select open in Layered Image Editor.
In there you can select the rotation to fix it. (Unfortunately LIE only allows for 90 degree rotations, I really wish we could enter a custom rotation value :( )
Aha. I tried doing it in the normal image editor but there was no option for rotation. LIE will save me though!