Dispirited long-time newbie -Resolved

richardsorbarichardsorba Posts: 26
edited September 2016 in New Users

I spend a lot of $ in Daz3D, even bought a book… When I follow the book, all seems easy. But when I try my own projects, it is painfully slow and there are a lot of things I do not understand.

By example, I bought this product:


I would like to do something like that:


But I have no idea how to put the lights on the lamps. 

Post edited by richardsorba on


  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    Look for the lights under the Scene tab and select them, open the Surface tab and if the lights aren't selected then select them, go to Emission and turn it on by making the colour White, use the sliders to set the Temperature, 3500 is a good starting point for incandescent lights, change Luminance Units to CD/cm^2 then adjust the Luminance to get the light, up is brighter. You will probably have to go into Tone Mapping to set the camera for the lights you are using. For inside with those lights I would start off with Shutter Speed 60, F Stop 6 and ISO 400 changing them to suit the amount of light that looks right entering the camera either that or adjust the light to suit.

  • I think the ends of the light are solid and have an area light applied to them - uberArea for 3Delight or the emissive preset for Iray - or there are two point lights for each lamp, one just at the bottom of the cylinder and oen just at the top. Certainly the light sources are pretty much at the end of the cylinders, judging by the poisition of the bright spots. I'd guess there's also some ambient lighting, presumbaly from uberEnvironment at a low level since that's a 3Delight render.

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    @Richard Haseltine

    It is marked on it as an Iray render.

  • Fishtales said:

    @Richard Haseltine

    It is marked on it as an Iray render.

    Ah, I thought it was an older item than that.

  • richardsorbarichardsorba Posts: 26
    edited September 2016

    First, thank you for the time you took to answer me. And please, excuse any mistake in my English, it is not my first language.


    Fishtales, there is no lights in the scene tab, as you can see in this screencapture.


    I was naïve, when I bought the product I thought the lights where included, but they are not. My bad: there are not in the product description.

    Richard, I suppose I have, as you say, to create lights and to put each one myself. Never done that… If it takes too much time, well, I’ll have a corridor without lights… without apparent lights. After all, it is an horror scene and maybe there is no more electrical power in the hotel…

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    Try clicking on the light fixture and see what shows up. Also try clicking the light with the surface tool as that might show light settings under the Emission setting.

  • richardsorbarichardsorba Posts: 26
    edited September 2016

    Clicking on the light with the universal tool  selects the wall. With the Surface tool, it select the lights on the wall


    I do not see Emission Settings


    Post edited by Chohole on
  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    You still seem to be in the Parameters Tab. Open the Surface Tab to see the settings. That is in Widows/Panes (Tabs)/ Surfaces if it isn't already open.

  • mrposermrposer Posts: 1,131

    Fishtales is right... there is a lightbulb surface at the bottom and top of all the lamps. However it appears to be 3DL shaders (I think anyway I'm not an expert). So you would need to apply the DAZ Iray Uber to the lightbulb surface and then change the emissive color to white and add a bunch of lumens (that is what I have been working with) and then render in Iray. You could mess with the other shaders if the result is not good enough. The whole thing is very confusing because there is another Hotel Hallway product which is unfortuneatly located right next to each other in my content library. I wouldn't be dispirited RichardSorba because you learn alot more trying to solve problems than you do following the steps of someone who already has the answer (although that is helpful if your are really stuck in the 3D mud. 

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    The render in the prop description is Iray so it wont be a 3DLight shader. If as you say there is a bulb surface then that shoud have the Emission settings for the light. I would set it to white; 3750 for Incandescent 60 Watts/Efficacy 15; 4500 for fluorescent 7 Watts, for compact bulbs)/Efficacy 50; 4500 for LED 7 Watt/Efficacy 60. Set the Tone Mapping to suit the amount of light you want to see in your image. Try raising the ISO to 200/400 first or even lower it to 60 if too bright.

  • mrposermrposer Posts: 1,131

    Here is a snap of the surfaces and my ugly render which I stopped but at least the lights are on.


    Hotel Hallway lights.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 551K
  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484
    edited September 2016

    I don't have iray mats for the version I've got, I  can't see any reference to Iray mats on the product page although the promos  are iray renders, can't see an update in the DIM either.

    So if yours doesn't have Iray mats select all the surfaces convert them to the Uber Iray shader then select the lightbulb surface in the surfaces tab and turn the emittor colour to white and increase the Luminance and possible change the Luminance Units.

    See Mr Poser gave a more indepth explaination.

    It is odd and possibly a bit misleading that all the promos are Iray.

    Post edited by scorpio on
  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited September 2016

    Here's where you can find the emissive light shader for Iray:

    1069 x 351 - 74K
    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • richardsorbarichardsorba Posts: 26
    edited September 2016

    First, I want to thank you all for your answers and your patience, I appreciate that. And, by the way, as English is not my first language, excuse-me if you spot mistakes in my text.

    So far, with your help, I still not have the results I want but I am on the way. Here is my last full Iray render. It seems the lights are too strong. But at least I have lights!


    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Try raising the Exposure Value setting in the Tone Mapping group in the Editor tab of Render Settings.

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    This looks more like you have left the headlight lamp of the camera "on". Please check you camera, and in the Parameter tab, under "Headlamp" make sure it's set to "Off". Otherwise, it will provide light to your scene.

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    As Richard points out the settings in Tone Mapping are wrong for the amount of light. Drop the ISO to 100, still too bright? too dark? set it to 200. Raise the F/Stop to 8 and the Speed to 125. Too dark? Change the settings. Up the ISO or drop the F/Stop or speed or a mixture of both.

  • richardsorbarichardsorba Posts: 26
    edited September 2016

    BeeMKay, you were right, there was a headlamp. Thanks to you all, the result is really better now:

    Since the headlamp is off, as you can see, the view in the workspace is black.

    And on the final result, it seems that strong lights are coming from the transparent areas. Is that normal? Maybe it is why I do not get the strong intensity that Mr Poser has in his picture….

    What the use of “light”, above of “lightbulb”?


    Again, thanks for your help :) !

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • mrposermrposer Posts: 1,131

    I think Ctrl L will toggle your viewport so you can see stuff when the headlamp is off. I actually like your render as mine the side lights are too bright. You may be getting light from your dome or hdri so you could try and set the render settings environment section to scene lights only in the drop down. 

  • The light from the doorways is probably the HDR envrionment light - in Render Settings under the Environment group set mode to Scene only.


    You were REALLY helpful, I had a mind to abandon my project and thank to you, I am on the right way now.

    My project is placing real people in DAZ3D environment, with photos I took myself of friendly models. Sure enough, I'll have difficulty with lights and colors on the model, in photoshop. But even if it is not perfect, it ok, and I'll become better with time.

    Here is where I am, and thank you again :)

    1002 x 840 - 668K
  • richardsorbarichardsorba Posts: 26
    edited September 2016

    Sorry, double post.

    Post edited by richardsorba on
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