Flipmode's Inquisition for Genesis?

Has anyone used Flipmode's Inquisition scene and associated poses with Genesis? I love sets that have complete scenes, with rooms, props, and also poses for characters. Really helps speed scene creation up. Has anyone used the V4/M4 poses with Genesis and had any success? Seems to be really hit-or-miss on Gen 4 poses working well with Genesis without tons of fiddling.
I really like this set, but I only use Genesis now.
Can anyone recommend similar fantasy or medieval sets that have associated poses?
Have a look at cridgit's PoserMaster product - you should be able to use that to copy the Gen4 poses across to Genesis to give you a pretty good starting point.
I bought this was on sale and haven't used it yet.
You bought the Inquisition set and the pose set? If so, can you test the poses with Genesis and see how they turn out? That would give me the exact information I need. :)
yeah, will test tonight. I'm heading out to work, but will see how it looks... =-)
I only have the poses. I was looking for set which could be used for an imprisonment scene I was illustrating. The poses applied and looked good with M5. I do not know how the characters will fit to the props, because I didn't buy that set, just the pose set. I hope that is helpful.
Ok thanks. That is helpful. I know all poses need some adjustment, I just wanted to be sure that the poses work fairly well and don't go wonky with Genesis.
I tried the poses with genesis a while back, and I think it worked as well as one can expect, but they won`t 100% fit with the props right away.
If you try to fit it to the props I recommend to start by adjusting the scale of either the prop or genesis, that`s usually what makes the biggest difference.
Interesting, thanks for the response. I never expect a 100% perfect fit with a Pose due to all the different possibilities as far as character shapes and morphs. Close is all I can really ask for.