Iray--Make water look milky

in New Users
I'm working with a river scene in Iray and I'm wanting to make it look a bit more murky than it does, but still reflective. When I mess around with the sliders, I get water that gets the murky look, but it ends up looking more like jell-o with milk instead of water (i.e. it is thick and has minimal reflection that, instead of being smooth, is blocky and reflects only the white light. I have provided a picture of what it looks like now (without editing) and one of what I would like it to at least come close to. I'm just tired of transparent, super clear water in locations where it should be murky. Sorry for it not being super clear--it was a quick render.

646 x 753 - 164K

1920 x 1080 - 545K
You can try turning thin walled off and fiddling with the sss settings. You should be able to add some cloudiness that way.
Awesome! That was EXACTLY what I was looking for! Thank you so much!
if you want a quick way turn Gloss Share OFF and use Refraction colour
Mec4d has some fantastic water shaders in her second pack.
Check out some samples