Clothing shapes with Genesis 3 movement

Question for the community,

I am fairly new to Daz, and I am trying to figure out a particular dynamic of some clothing that has me stumped.  I am aiming to get a tshirt to accurately follow the movement of the Gen3 body to which it is autofit.  

There are two scenarios here:

The scenario that I aim to mimic is portrayed in the first picture (with the sleeveless shirt), where the edge of the shirt keeps its native geometry, and thus follows along as the Gen3's upper body pulls it along when bending to one side.  From what I can see, the individual polygons making up the shirt go through very little change, if any at all.

The scenario I am trying to fix is portrayed in the second picture (with the tshirt), where it seems like the bottom of the shirt is somehow 'anchored' in place so that it does not follow along as the Gen3 figure bends to one side.  Instead the polygons are stretching/compressing every which way in order to to keep the bottom of the shirt in place.  This would be akin to fabric spontaneously polymerizing in order to keep one's body covered no matter what.

I'm guessing what this comes down to is finding a way to prevent selected polygons from stretching or compressing at all so that the shirt will maintain its native shape throughout body movements.  I'm hoping that this is a simple fix that I just haven't been able to find on my own, so any assistance would be most appreciated.

2346 x 1059 - 643K
2467 x 1047 - 615K


  • The most common way to handle this would be with JCMs - morphs that take their values from a multiple of the joint bend, rather than being intended to be set directly by the user. If you search for JCM you should find discussions of the general procedure.

  • I appreciate the advice.  I've been playing around with the initial part of the JCM process as you suggested, namely modifying the object in Blender in a certain pose.  I'm having some trouble with the morph input back to Daz procedure.

    I'll keep playing around with it, but I also do want to clarify; Is there no way to prevent polygons within Daz from deforming when the object is moved?  Maybe another way to ask is there any way to keep vertices within an object at the same distance from eachother at all times?  I keep reading about 'rigidity' as a thing but I can't seem to apply any of that in Daz.  The geometry menu seems to be a good place to be looking. 

  • That would be done with the weight-map - if adjacent vertices have the same weight they will move together. However, you can't apply a single weight to the whole model (or even a large chunk of it) without making it look like a fibreglass shell.

    Another option you might want to explore, instead fo or alngside the use of morphs, is not rigging the loose portions of the outfit to the figure but isntead using custom bones to control selected areas of the mesh and manually posing them to make the garment fit the posed figure.

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