Daz Studio 4.9 doesn't use GPU during Iray render
I've got nVidia 760 GTX 2 GB. My CPU and GPU both selected at devise options. During the render I'm checking CPU and GPU performance monitor, it's tell me CPU usage is 100% GPU 0-5%.
After many fails this my conclusion
- Your graphic card RAM need to be empty(almoust empty) befor starting rendering (Use GPU shark to check it) To clear it our restart Daz Studio
- In the Render Setting - Optimization tab menu .. change from 'memory' to 'speed'. Check everu time you lanch the program.
- Turn optiX off (works for me)
Post edited by vitriks1 on
Are you sure the scene can fit in 2GB? Does it work if you just load a primitive sphere and render? What OS?
Two Genesis 3 characters in simple room with simple lights. Is there any way to check if it fit to my 2 GB? It will work If I select GPU only without CPU. Windows 8.1 latest graphic drivers.
If CPU is unchecked does the GPU get used? It will still fallback to CPU if it doesn't fit on the card.
This is still a concept I'm trying to wrap my head around in Iray Renders. I have a 4GB card and it will always render with CPU in a scene much like the OP described. I'm not doing moon landings, just coffe and conversation in a living room type stuff. I have an i7Core. Does GPU render take less time?
I tested it once more. It actually works with small stuff, but if scene is bigger than your GPU ram, graphic card just lie on her back and watch at CPU doing all the dirty work.
Yeah, I have a 2GB GPU also and you can't squeeze much into 2GB, with all those 4Kx4K texture .jpgs.
I undertand my mistake. I open alredy creted scene with old type light system(only way I can describe that) After I replece light with new one with Iray support it start working like it supposed to. By any chance, can someone remmond easy to use/beatiful/good performance lighning solution on the market.
UPD I tried once more.
Simple room with two genesis 3 characters. If they are naked, GPU handle overall size of the scene, if I put cloth on, graphic card is working only on 0-3% of maximum capacity. Is there a way to force GPU to work?
And how to check if my scene is bigger than my GPU can handle?
As a rule of thumb (from my own experience with my 2GB card), 2GB VRam holds one dressed & haired person of any generation. Anything beyond that, is "work or don't work" experimental.
Things like HD and normal maps eat up lots of Vram. Large maps eat up lots of VRam. If possible, hide everything that isn't seen, for example, if your character is fully clothed, you can switch off visibility of the torso, arms, legs, feet. If things are in a distance, reduce the size of the maps, or remove them altogether (simple color shaders/simple diffuse color). Use HD only if you are doing close-ups.
And you might need to think about rendering in layers, one character at a time without background, and the background separately, then combining it in your picture editing program of choice.
Lastly, I always use this tool: http://www.daz3d.com/iray-memory-assistant
It's not cheap, but rally useful. If Simtenero sells something during the PA sale, you could get it at a decent discount. But really, if you render with GPU, 4GB VRAm is the absolute minimum.
But why there is no another solution? Why GPU work only when it can swalow the whole thing?
I've got it, what exactly should I look at?
You load the scene as you have planned it. Then, start the script. At the bottom it will tell you either that the scene will most likely fit into your VRam, or not (in which case the text goes red. If it's red, you can click the boxes and make items "invisible" by that in the scene, reducing the amount of data. There should be a user guide with the product for more details on how to use it.
EDIT: Here's the link to the online version of the manual: http://docs.daz3d.com/lib/exe/fetch.php/public/read_me/index/24290/24290_iraymemoryassistant.pdf