Mix 3Delight & Iray?

in New Users
I want to render the room in 3Delight (because its not compatible with Iray) and the character models in Iray, however I can't render them seperately, because overlapping doesn't work that way. Is it possible to do it in one session?
Thank you in advance!
It would be rare for any scene to be truly *incompatible* with Iray, but I assume you mean it uses material shaders that aren't Iray-ready. Generally, when you render a scene in Iray, any non-Iray surfaces are automatically converted. The conversion is not perfect, which is why it's always suggested that you manually select and convert the materials to Iray shaders that more closely fit the object.
The best you could do is render the scene without the figure in 3DL, and then in a separate make the figure visible and the scene invisible. Render in Iray, being careful to turn the Draw mode off in the Iray dome. This prevents any HDRi image that' may be there from showing up in the background. The figure is against a transparent background, and the two pictures can be merged in Photoshop or other graphics program.
If the figure is within scene elements, your best bet would be to make those visible, update their materials for Iray, and render. It could look a little strange if parts of the scene don't match up, but it might be worth the try.
You can also render the room in 3DL without the overlapping furniture, then render the overlapping furniture separately, hiding the rest.
Do you have Photoshop?
I did the reverse- rendered a background in Iray and the character in 3Delight separately. Then layered them in Photoshop. This is just a mockup for a book I'm releasing in October. Might add some fog over the water with Ron's Photoshop brushes. I thought it turned out pretty good.