Just a quick question about skin
I always feel kind of weird asking these questions here but I have to keep reminding myself that I'm an adult and so are all of you lol
When a character doesn't come with an anatomical elements map, how do you work around that to make everything match? I've tried substituting with other characters maps but it doesn't quite match and doesn't look right in the render. I swear I'm a good person and not doing anything gross :P
In G1/G2 you can use the hip skin on the hip region of the anatomical element. That works great for females, and usually men, too.
When it comes to the Schniedelwutz and family jewels, I don't have any proper solution, outside trying to work out something in your image editor of choice...
Oh sorry, I should have mentioned that I work mostly with Gen3 models. Is the concept still the same? Loved the german! lol I had to look it up. Was pretty sure i knew what you meant but I had to check.
I'd have to test this. I don't know if it works.
About the German word... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWcZtS2ohEw
Done by a German comedian. Probably not work save, for obvious reasons.
There is no easy solution, you could however swap in materials from a completely different G3 male that does include genital mats, so use the figure you want's shape but materials from another figure.
Thats the best solution I've come up with so far but still, the match isn't exact. Male or Female. But it's okay really. It's not like there is anything really "interactive" happening. I rarely even add the anatomical elements anyway. It was just something I came across and being anal, I wanted to figure out how to fix it.
Okay... I looked up he texture, and where G1/G2 had two textures (one for the hip section, one for the rest), G3M gens has just one texture covering all. So you're really "stuck" with other G3 guy's gens there.
I meant swap in another figures entire skin mats, not just the gens. Face, torso...
Well I haven't tried to do any nude art yet but I have attached the genitalia to the models a couple of times and the problem is evident even before you render.
I think would be easiest to solve by adjusting the nearest match to the texture set you are using and changing the diffuse/albedo color hue as much as possible in Gimp or Photoshop to match your character's texture set. Then you should consider not changing the various grey scale and normal maps used but adjusting the slider and color values to be more like your used body texture set. The genitalia often don't match the rest of the body but I'll leave that to your research.
That leaves mostly that triangle on the hip or the edges of that triangle on the hip, for that I'd use Gimp or Photoshop and edit in a faded transparency gradient color hue from the edges of the triangle portion of the genitalia texture set to make the genitalia look as if they belong to the character in question.
I'm just making up how to edit the genitalia texture sets as I write this - it seems like it would work to me. I actually haven't tried this yet and so if someone comes along that has experience at making such adjustments comes along you should listen to their advice over mine.
the Gens on Genesis 3 Female (I haven't worked on the boys, sorry) are a rather complicated process that requires more than just photoshop. Version 1 involves a couple of setups in Blacksmith and a good amount of proficiency with that software. Version 2 (which I haven't tried to date) involved a setup for Blender.
the gens are a geograft onto the g3f figure and therefore overlap on already existing skin maps. This is why it's so hard to just throw a new skin on the gens... it just won't match. To date, I don't think there is an easy one step process to create a good looking genital area that seamlessly matches any skin. It takes me several hours to 2 days to make everything look perfect.
It would be nice if it was a little bit simpler.
Thanks. I'm not familiar with Blacksmith but I'm surprised you had to use Blender as the genitalia need no modeling changes just diffuse texture changes. Or did you load in Blender to more easily see and align the diffuse textures with the UV maps for creating the diffuse textures? xNormal might be easier to use for some than Blender if you needed to generate new normal maps and bump maps but I think you'd need to export the geometries as dae or obj format and modify the diffuse textures & their maps there although I still think you'd not want to modify existing normals & bumps & such once you chose a texture set that was closest in skin tone to your torso texture? Trying to learn a bit here. I've been studiously avoiding creating textures & such so far.
both blender and blacksmith can be used to accomplish the same goal... seamless textures on the gens.
OK, thanks, maybe I'll try that sometime next year.