Photometric Spot lights
in New Users
This is probably a dumb question, but I thought DAZ had photometric spotlights for Iray use, but can't find them in DAZ 4.9 (under the create tab or "add light" tab. Are they part of the standard DAZ setup in 4.9?
If you load in a spotlight and have the Iray renderer selected you will get the photometric settings.
The lights were separate in the 4.8 Beta phase, but were united at a later time. Several of the aerly turorials still have the "old" setup, as they were done in the early 4.8 Beta phase.
Basically, the lower part of the light settings are photometric, the upper part is for 3DL. The light works, as Johnny Rico already said, work depending on if you are using 3DL or Iray.
When using the photometric lights with Iray, remember to change brightness using the Luminiosity control, and not Intensity. The Luminosity control alters the photometric, rather than radiometic, response of the light.
Thank you for the info. This makes sense since a lot of my info about photometric spotlights came from a Daz 4.8 tutorial. One more hopefully easy question, are the sun settings seen in 4.8 not available in Daz 4.9? If so what are the alternative settings in 4.9?
Should be exactly the same; I haven't heard of any changes made to the Sun-Sky parameters. Should be in the same place, too — Render Settings tab, select Environment, and make sure the Environment Mode at the top is set to Sun-Sky Only. The new parameters should appear below the Dome ones, just as they always have.
Remember that the Iray parameters aren't all visible at once, changing a mode switch or setting a master parameter away from zero will hide or show various other parameters.
My environment mode was not set to sun-sky only. Now I can see these settings. Thank you so much for helping me resolve this! :)