G3F Skins render Chocolate....

I'm not sure how to explain this problem without pics but I will try.
I have purchased several skins for G3f (ok 5. I've purchased 5) and all but two of them render completely different than the product page.
I load the Iray Skin shaders and render in Iray. Man, I've got a beautiful rich chocolate skin. Not plasticy or non-skin looking.
Im wondering if these skins were made for older versions of Daz studio? I dont know and would appreciate any help figuring this out.
Post edited by naxuam_66429eb97e on
Which skins are you talking exactly about (link, perhaps)? Also, are you using DS 4.8 or 4.9?
If you are using "Legacy" skins created for 4.8 in 4.9, there will be differences in how the SSS in the skin renders. This is due to fixes that nVidia made to Iray itself. Because of the previous errors, all new skins will appear more reddish if rendered in 4.8, while all "old" (Legacy) skins have a bluish hue when rendered in 4.9.
Here's an example - Eva 7 with the 4.9 skin on the left, and the legacy skin on the right, rendered in 4.8.
Here's the exact same scene rendered in DS 4.9:
First: Thank you for the time it took for your response.
I am using DS 4.9.
ONE of the skins that is giving me choclate is: http://www.daz3d.com/fwsa-eliya-hd-for-victoria-7
Admittedly it is a skin that is a little tanned. Here is my render (it does not use the character morph included with the skin)
I know what i mean. I am sitting here looking at a CPU in DAZ Studio 4.9 Pro that I have the iRay Rendering configured to stop rendering at 95% convergence or 14,400 seconds (4 hours). I am using an HRDI of a courtyard in that is partially shaded and looks to but in Italy or Spain.
In the HRDI I have the Girl 7 with default iRay texture set for Girl 7, Genesis 3 Male edited to by caricature style with Snowflake for Aiko 7 textures, and the Guy 7 with the default iRay texture set for Guy 7.
In the render the Girl 7 is darker then the ad copy for her in the DAZ Store, the G3M with Snowflaje for Aiko too light (light reflection glare blowout), Guy 7 is darker then his ad copy.
They are not by darker by a huge amount though. It would be nice if these iRay texture products included the iRay renders of what the character look like at Noon March 31, 2015 in the Sun & Sky configuration in the default location (some park in Utah near Salt Lake City) in their ad copy.
I've noticed Guy 7 & Girl 7 become lighter as you let the render run longer as it allows DAZ Studio to add the texture light highlights so if you let the render of your character above render longer it would become more like the ad copy, which shows a tan character, although lighter than your render.
What you need to do is take your character that you think is too tan is to render the character on in the Sun & Sky on June 21, Any Year in the default location, at dome rotation 0, don't draw dome, and do a series of renders on her in a 24 hour cycle, one per hour - so renders at: 00:00, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, ..., 23:00. To that render add one render indoors with an incandescent lightbulb (point light at 2700K) at the height of 8' in an approximately sized 15'x25' room on Jun 21, Any Year at 12:00and let it render 4 hours too. The Window Seat Freebie if it is still free is a good model to set up to use like that.
If you have a good nVidia GPU computer your rendering times should converge to 95% long befor 4 hours has elapsed.
Leave Render Convergence at the default 0.95% and set the render time to 4 hours (14,400) and render the 'nude' character you are testing and nothing else. It will take a week or so but eventually (well if you were using my CPU rendering computer...you probably have much faster computer) you'll get a series of 25 renders that give you an accurate set of expectations about how your character will render.
A lot of work but you will learn a lot about how to light your scenes and how your character will look in those scenes without a lot of partial renders and spot renders.
Maybe DAZ Store could start requiring texture sets for sale in the DAZ Store to include that series of 25 renders for it's products. Nothing would show the quality faster to the customer.
The one thing you might consider changing in the setup is the location of the render to be in your geographic location since that is where you are used to seeing people. There will be a big difference in how they look depending on in they are at the equator or one of the poles.
Are you using the default HDRI for light? As noonesuch already said, the light can make a huge difference. The skin of the model looks okay (not too dark), and according to the Readme, she was designed for 4.9.
Here are some examples. Characters are the same in all 4 renders - Michael 7 and Kimo 7 with default skin. As you can see, depending on the light type you throw at them, the skin colour looks quite different.
Default HDRI
Set 13 of OOT Male Lights
Set 11 of OOT Male Lights
I'm rendering a 24 hour cycle on Summer Solstic for 5 commonly use Genesis 3 texture sets. Except for one of them, they really aren't as you'd expect but darker than the ad copy. I thought it was just my inexperience with lighting but it isn't. If there is once place they should appear to be as in the ad copy that'd be with the DAZ Studio Sun & Sky lighting.
The longer you let them render the closer they get to the ad copy but only when they is enough bright light and it never quite gets their in default Sun & Sky Dome iRay settings. I may try some renders with different translucency but I it seems really the problem is the skin isn't reflective enough. I'm no expect though.
The OP will need to learn to buy textures lighter than what they need, edit the texture settings in the Surfaces, flood the characters with lighting to get what they were expecting, or edit the render in Photoshop or Gimp, probably just using auto-levels will be enough.
I think most experienced DAZ users of iRay flood the subject(s) with light to compensate. There are quite a few presets and the auto headlamps.