Breaks on displacement maps(Resolved)

HirokazHirokaz Posts: 24
edited August 2016 in New Users

Hi, I used ZBrush to create normal maps then assigned them on the displacement map. everything looks good except the area around the shoulders. There are breaks. How can I avoid this?

Post edited by Hirokaz on


  • HirokazHirokaz Posts: 24

    Sorry I couldn't attach the picture.

    1200 x 1600 - 3M
  • What figure is this? That looks either like a UV map problem or something in the surface settings is wrong.

    If I recall right, Z-Brush only handles a single map at a time, while Genesis figures have multiple maps, so it might be a UV issue.

  • gederixgederix Posts: 390

    Displacement might not be the place to put the normals, whenever I tried to use displacement on a figure that wasnt designed that way it caused seams like you are seeing. Most figures are not designed with displacement maps, just bumps and or normals. A few do, like say legendary demon for genesis 2, but generallly, from what Ive seen, no.


  • Right, a displacement is a grey scale map where tone corresponds to height, a normal map is coloured with the red, green, and blue values specifiying the coordinates of the direction in which the surface faces (the normal). Most DS shaders have a slot for normal maps and that os what you should use here, if you stated what you created correctly.

  • JimbowJimbow Posts: 557

    I don't use ZBrush but use 3DCoat, and had a similar problem. When I export a displacement map from 3DC a popup tells me what the depth is and I note it down. It's different for each material zone. It might be a similar issue as it looks similar to the problem I had recently. In DS I just key in the values for each displacement map, and then use the Displacement Strength as an overall controller for all values.

  • HirokazHirokaz Posts: 24

    Thanks everyone!

    Apparently I haven't know how displacement maps works. I even didn't know they are grey scales...Shame on me lol

    I learned how to create them in Zbrush and I managed to get it right!

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