I cannot succeed in using a product (Materials...)

I am in the process of trying ot organize my freebies and products. So, I'm going to each folders in the ContentLibrary to test everything I have there.
I have found a subfolders entitled tutorial.
I tried double-clicking on some of the products there, or drag and dropping them on to a G2F or G2M and nothing happens.
The product MAT MAGNUS SHORT Fiery Genesis is one such example on the screenshot attached. Actually none of the clothing works. But POSE Fiery Geneis works when I try and do the same operations with it.
Can anyone advise?

Tutorial Mat Magnus Shorts.JPG
635 x 743 - 80K
Post edited by funwrestling on
Those MAT files are not clothes. As the label on the thumbnail says, those are materials, which means they're used to change the texture on the clothes. You need to load the actual clothes first, then apply the material to the clothes.
I had assumed so: I had load an underwear and it worked. Then I tried to drag and drop the materials and it did not work.
The Material being located in a subfolder in the ContentLibrary tab, is there a special operation to do to be able to use it?
You need to select the item of clothing (not the G2F or G2M figure) in the Scene tab before clicking on the materials file.
That's what I assumed. Look at the new attached screenshot: I tried but it does work. Here is what I did:
1. I created the G2F character.
2. I dragged and dropped the Basic Wear > Pink Shorts (first screenshot)
3. I selected the shorts on the character.
3. I went back to the Materials MAT MAGNUS SHORT Fiery Genesis and draged and dropped it.
Please note that:
- I did all that from the ContentLibrary.
- I only added the Top bikini on the girl to comply with the no nudity policy in this forum. But technically, this is not where my issue is.
The Magus shorts are not the Basic Wear shorts - look in People>Genesis>Clothing>Magus, I think that's what you need.
Now it works. But it work on a Genesis character, not on a G2F (in that case, the underwear is torn).
Is there a way to know when an element/a product applies only to Genesis Vs G2F Vs G3F? Especially when all your products are in a same folder?
They shouldn't all be in the same folder; that might be your problem. I'm looking through a few of my clothes installers, and all of them — even the very early Genesis ones — have distinct subfolders in the People folder for Genesis, Genesis2 F/M, and Genesis3 F/M.
How did you install your DAZ content, manually or using the DIM? (Freebies and products not from the DAZ store can't be installed with DIM, you must do it manually.)
Is there a way to know when an element/a product applies only to Genesis Vs G2F Vs G3F?
Especially when all your products are in a same folder?
Thank you.
If you are using Smart Content try checking the Filter by Selection box at bottom left to screen out items thata re not for the current figure. If you are using the Content Library, as in your screenshot, then the People\Figure name part of the path should identify the wearer (for well-packaged items).
Why are all your products in the same folder?
Normally, if you hover over the item in question, it should give you the path, which says something like "../people/Genesis 2 Male/..."
Other than that, if you are using Smart content and have a character in your scene, it will only show you products that are compatible - given that the product has Metatadata.
I'm not seeing any tearing AutoFitting the Magus set to Genesis 2 Female - you ar selecting Genesis as the original figure in the dialogue box?
Merged two threads to keep the related discussion in one place.