Forcibly change texture/material

Running into an interesting issue. I want two portions of a Genesis2 Females arms to be using the -exact- same material/texture with absolutely no deviation or difference whatseover.  The two parts her arms count as different surfaces. Whenever I attempt to apply a material of any sort to both portions of the arm, they -always- have different settings. and the settings that are applicable to both are always in different spots.  For example the upper arm will have the diffuse options at the top of the list and the fore-arm will have them in the middle instead.

While working on the project the two parts appear identicle, when rendering the difference between them becomes dramatic and evident.

I have attempted to copy the 'surface'  from one portion of the arm and then paste it on to the other, I have tried dragging skin materials from the 'Smart Content' tab.


I am really at a loss as to why such a monumentally basic process is made to be so time consuming, disruptive and complicated.

If I drag an eye material to the arm then the portion of the arm I drag it to should be covered in eyes,  If I drag skin over, then it should be skin. If I export the model and load i into maya it takes me about 12 seconds to do this.  Why is not working in Daz?  What extra thing am I missing to make this happen?  

I actually find the fact that it's divided into two different surface areas to be great.  but I would like the two portions of the arm to be -exactly- identicle in how any and all materials are applied and for the settings to be arranged in -exactly- the same fashion and order.


  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241

    Although I don't have an answer, one thing you should know is that if you copy and paste settings that only affects the SETTINGS of the shader used, not the actual shader, so if you were to copy the settings from a surface using shader1 to a surface using shader2, they will not match.

    I don't think this is coming into play because presumably the shader used on one part of the arm would be the same one used on the other part, but I suppose it is possible that you applied a different shader somewhere along the line to just part of your figure?  In any case I just wanted you to be aware of that possibility in the future even if it may not be what has happened here, as it is likely to cause confusion later.

  • Running into an interesting issue. I want two portions of a Genesis2 Females arms to be using the -exact- same material/texture with absolutely no deviation or difference whatseover.  The two parts her arms count as different surfaces. Whenever I attempt to apply a material of any sort to both portions of the arm, they -always- have different settings. and the settings that are applicable to both are always in different spots.  For example the upper arm will have the diffuse options at the top of the list and the fore-arm will have them in the middle instead.

    Can you add a screenshot of the body parts? I know the body uses a different UV than arms, so I am curious if the trouble area is located at the seams...

    While working on the project the two parts appear identicle, when rendering the difference between them becomes dramatic and evident.

    That sounds like a shader error... Did you apply any shaders on the surfaces?

    I have attempted to copy the 'surface'  from one portion of the arm and then paste it on to the other, I have tried dragging skin materials from the 'Smart Content' tab.


    I am really at a loss as to why such a monumentally basic process is made to be so time consuming, disruptive and complicated.

    To be honest - it just sounds like the old "forgot a ; at the end" programmer problem. You are probably missing something super simple that complicates the process.

    If I drag an eye material to the arm then the portion of the arm I drag it to should be covered in eyes,  If I drag skin over, then it should be skin. If I export the model and load i into maya it takes me about 12 seconds to do this.  Why is not working in Daz?  What extra thing am I missing to make this happen?  

    I woud say that "covered in eyes" is not exactly how UVs work, but probably a ton of the non-matching area would become black then.

    Anyway - still sounds like a shader problem. Can you screenshot the surface tab with the problem parts selected?
    Also, did you try applying different shaders to these parts?

    Is the problem occuring on a clean base model as well? Try to re-trace your steps - what did you do before it stopped working?

  • BoltBolt Posts: 21
    I actually find the fact that it's divided into two different surface areas to be great.  but I would like the two portions of the arm to be -exactly- identicle in how any and all materials are applied and for the settings to be arranged in -exactly- the same fashion and order.


    If you use the Surface Selection Tool, and right-click on each surface in the 3D window, it should tell you the type of shader base it's using (e.g. shader: omUberSurface, or AoA_subsurface).  If the two surfaces are using the same base, the copy should be perfect.  If not, then the copy won't be perfect.


  • BoltBolt Posts: 21

    As a thought, it would be nice if the shader type was displayed in the Surface properties for convenience, so we wouldn't have to second guess what shader the surface is using.

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