Noob Iray Lighting Question

in New Users
Ok, Ive been testing out Daz Studio and I cant figure out how to make lights work in Iray renders.
I place lighting and get deep shadow on my scene in the preview. Render result is bright light eminating from the right.
I delete all lights. Render result is bright light eminating from the right
In other words NO MATTER what lighting set up I try to make I get the same render.
Check out the "Environment" tab in your render settings. The default for Iray is "Dome and Scene", which means that it uses the default HDRI file for lighting the scene, even if you have no other lights in the scene.
If you want to use just lights in the scene, select "Scene only" in the Environment mode. Also, be aware that the camera has a headlamp, which will give off light unless you switch it off, if there's no other light in the scene..
That was it! Thanks!!
One related gotcha to be aware of — the Headlight is a Camera function, not a Light function, and there is one on every camera in the scene. When you render, only the Headlight attached to the camera you're looking through is active, so if you're using multiple cameras, make sure you've turned off all the relevant Headlights.