At the risk of sounding like a shill for the PC+...

... I'm going be a shill for the PC+ (Platinum Club+)!
I'm in the middle of a full-bore audit of my 3D content, just for the sake of finally knowing what I have!
The 'My Account' functions are proving really helpful (although copy-and-paste in Excel 2013 is proving to be a barely-functional pile of crap!). I'm just a skosh over half-finished with it, but I can see a pattern emerging....
My PC+ membership has saved me a freakin' fortune!
Comparing the retail prices in the Order Detail pages against the total amount paid from the Order History, I have saved roughly two-thirds off the retail cost of my DAZ content over the past seven years. (Results not typical, your mileage may vary.)
So..., if you're not already a PC+ member, you should seriously consider joining. It definitely pays for itself!
Yeah, it's been very similar for me to my first year with Amazon Prime. I signed up for Prime, and walked around for a month smirking to myself, thinking "Those morons never saw me coming." It was at the end of the year when I had to calculate Internet purchases for the state that I realized the lure of free shipping had caused me to up my Amazon purchases by a factor of three or more. So much for which one of us was the moron.
IT's been the same with me with PC+. I love the savings and monthly coupons, but I look at my runtime and shake my head sadly at all the $$ I wouldn't have spent if it hadn't been so tempting.
Definitely a mixed blessing
I am very glad I joined and I still have quite a bit I want to buy. It will be a while before I utilize as much as I'd like all that I've bought but that was the intent - to start a hobby for rainy days and for that you DAZ is very good. Since I watch TV maybe monthly DAZ and Poser is all the more valuable.
Pretty sure I have saved at least that much, probably more since I managed to find Daz at the beginning of last september so the first two months were just this amazing 8 weeks of unbelievable sales... I think I picked up hundreds of items many of them less than a $1
Edited to add that even when there isn't a PC+ sale going on its worth every penny
A couple of years ago I joined PC and the sales were so good I got carried away. I was finally getting back into 3d after too much time off for personal issues and I sorted my library and saw just how much stuff I had gotten and did a little math of my own. Its really astonishing how much I got for what I spent while in PC. I forgot to stop Paypal during my time away so when I came back I came back with PC active. Yippy! I will always keep PC active from now on and I joined over at Renderosity too. Its easy to get swept away by the sales but if you use your wishlist wisely and become a member this hobby is not out of reach anymore. I am finding I don't have enough settings to put people in but PC is loaded with affordable products for that. I will do more just buying on demand what I need things but PC's affordable products makes that doable even if you can't wait for a sale or coupon.
JOIN US! Welcome to the darkside.
I like getting pro packs for $7 or under
, but as for a general, longer sale, during my year and a half here, the PC sale was my favorite. The PC membership is definitely worth it, in my opinion.
I love being a PC+ Member. In the first month of becoming a PC+ member, I went nuts! I used both of my vouchers within the first few days of getting my membership.
Yesterday, I made a list of all of the PC+ content that I'd like. At the moment, I'm not buying as much as I thought I would be, and both of my vouchers are still intact. There are still 10 days in the month, so there's still plenty of time to use them. :D
The only Pro Bundle that I've bought for under $7 was Lilith 6, and that was when I didn't have PC+. I haven't bought any Pro Bundles for $7 as a PC+ member yet.
Well, the first pass of the audit is complete, and all I can say is..., Holy crap, I've blown a butt-load of cash!
On the other hand, I definitely got some serious bang for my buck! Total savings: a little over 63%.
Not too shabby....!
I quit doing the calculations three (four?) years ago. At that point I'd dropped nearly $9,500 here.
But the total list-price for the same set of items was close to $50,000. based on list price for everything, including unwrapping bundles and figuring list on all the items.
And I have NO desire at this point to see what I've spent since then.
On the plus side, this keeps me off the streets and out of the bars at night.
Good to know!
Pass Two, currently in progress, is the unwrapping of bundles -- as I mentioned at the outset, the purpose of this exercise is, above all else, to find out exactly what-all I have.
Unfortunately, I cannot say that this hobby keeps me out of the bars. I always have a laptop with me, and my bartender is really good about letting me plug in and enjoy the free wi-fi!
Reading through this I saw the comment about staying out of bars by @namffuak and I thought, no, I don't think it's been keeping Ken out of bars. That's solely based on all the posts I've read that you've posted. Looks like I was right. On the plus side you have some really interesting and hilarious renders to show for it! Of course, I only ever see your RRR renders so I'm not sure what else you do with all that content. :)
I'm utterly terrified to look... although you are right it does keep me home at night lol