G3F Morph packs that are merchant resources

I really don't plan to sell anything, but I really would only like to buy merchant resources for morphs and textures, just in case I change my mind. I'd really hate to sitting there with a great character if only I hadn't used ......So in an effort not go into debt too much I want to stick to merchant resources for G3F. Help please. I tried searching but couldn't tell what was ok to use as a merchant resource or not. I am just assuming unless it says merchant resource, its not one.


  • ben98120000ben98120000 Posts: 469
    edited August 2016

    http://www.daz3d.com/thorne for morph resource kits which would be merchant resources (read the details on kits pages)

    Post edited by ben98120000 on
  • Thanks.

  • Well, I added a morph pack that isn't a merchant resource in addition to thorn's sets. Its the 200 morphs one by dogz. If people can require V7, A7, etc, surely I could say a person must must have this afforable morph pack. I loved skin builder pro and am waiting for the G3F version but getting this other stuff may take a bit so no rush. It would let me export settings probably or with an add-on. I could share free cistom characters legally with other tinkers as long as I make sure I pack the files right or just give settings etc. I don't think I have what it takes to do great promo pics and be a merchant ever, but I love playing with morph dials. If someone saw something and wanted to have it on their computer, it would be legally possible and not too expensive to own skin builder pro and third party morph packs.

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