Just hand poses

in New Users
In Poser I could select a hand and there would be a variety of hand poses that I could apply to just the hand. Is there something like that in Daz? I'm working with Genesis 3 Female. Would I buy "All Hands Poses for Genesis 3 Female" and that would be like having all the default basic hand poses in Poser?
If you go to the Parameter tab, you have sliders that control some basic moves the hand can do, which come with the base character.
The "All hand poses" gives you the poses with a single click, rather than having to dial them in the parameter tab yourself.
Thanks, BeeMKay. That helps a lot.
Glad to be of help.
One note - if you select the hand itself, or the fingers/finger digit, in the Parameter tab you will find dials under "General" that control each joint, and allow you to bend, twist, etc. each "bone" separately. This is especially useful if you have to adapt poses to different situations.
Although I don't have DS in front of me at the moment, I believe you can also save partial poses by deselecting the nodes you don't want to save, so you could create your own library of hand-only poses from all the existing poses in your library that you might find of value.