
in New Users
Sorry for the dumb question, but is there a way to receive notifications about replies to my Questions in this forum directly into my private email address?
I mean the email address that is associated with my Daz3D account on this web site/forum? Thank you.
Set your notification prefrences in your profile
1) Click on your name there <<<<<< under the Avatar.
2) Clcik on the gear icon on that page (white icon on blue square)
3) Click on "Edit Profile" from the list thare
4) Click on Notification Preferences from the menu list on that page.
You will need to have the threads bookmarked to receive the notifications. You do this by clicking on the faint star outline top right of the page, the one under the blue line.
Click on the faint star to the right of the forum thread title. It will turn gold. Then that thread is bookmarked. You should receive email notification when someone replies. You will only get one email notification until you visit the thread again from your logged on account. Visiting the thread will reset that and if another person replies, you will get email again. You may also have to turn on some preference in your profile, but I can't remember about that, because it has been so long since I set that up.
Edit: Oh, I see Chohole laid it all out while I was typing. This is how I have my notification preferences set up:
Not easy to find but it works! A big thank you.
Chohole, you are a gem!
Although having just praised Chohole, as far as I can see, my preferences are set to notify me about everything ... but for the last maybe 6 to 12 months I do not appear to have been getting notifications. Hopefully someone will respond to this so as to test my hypothesis, in which case I can raise it with "the powers" - if such there be.
Testing, testing. :)
Ah but are your stars twinkling on the threads that you want to follow?
Do you get Store Newsletter emails?
Well thanks for responding guys but I did not get notifications for these. I do get the daily DAZ promo emails if these are the Store Newsletters. Seriously weird, because I got one notification on another thread. Just off to check for twinkling stars. Haha.
And having done that check, my stars now twinkle, so Chohole, your carat weight just increased (again). [And my "Dummy" rating also increased - a case of we don't know what we don't know AND / OR we forget it all anyway.]
So now I'm twinkle-ating, let's see what notifications turn up. Cheers. Lx