Adding Items to Smart Content

Is there a way to items you manually install to the Smart Content? Or an easier way to access the content you installed besides going the maze that is Content Library?


  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,466

    Yes you can create your own meta-data for items that do not have it.

    Its a little laborious, but in the end can save you a lot of time.

    Try here:

  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,466

    Of course it all depends on what the items are you are trying to add.

    If its just materials for something that already exists in Smart Content, its much easier than all that.

  • mmitch2kmmitch2k Posts: 20

    Wow you werent kidding about it being laborious. Thanks for the info, I will go through the tutorial and see if it works.

  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,466
    mmitch2k said:

    Wow you werent kidding about it being laborious. Thanks for the info, I will go through the tutorial and see if it works.

    You get better at it with time. And the tools have improved since those docs were written.

  • Of course it all depends on what the items are you are trying to add.

    If its just materials for something that already exists in Smart Content, its much easier than all that.

    I have autofitted a hat from V4 to G3F and then saved it as a prop asset.  Now I would like to have the materials available for the original V4 asset show up in Smart Content for the new prop asset.  How can I do this?

  • This should work. Load the new prop asset that you saved. Load the materials onto the new prop asset and then save as a material preset for that new prop. I don't know if there is a script that could automate this process. It gets tedious doing that for each material option. I did that a lot for skins that I've moved up where I wanted to have the makeup options as materials for the new skin fitted to G3 or G4. A script would be nice because that would save tons of time. I just haven't come across anything like that.

  • Oh, forgot to mention it would save time if you have the original prop in the scene, too. That way you can just copy and paste material settings from one to the other before you save as a material preset for the new prop. 

  • This should work. Load the new prop asset that you saved. Load the materials onto the new prop asset and then save as a material preset for that new prop. I don't know if there is a script that could automate this process. It gets tedious doing that for each material option. I did that a lot for skins that I've moved up where I wanted to have the makeup options as materials for the new skin fitted to G3 or G4. A script would be nice because that would save tons of time. I just haven't come across anything like that.

    I was hoping that there was just a way to add new metadata so that another material preset didn't have to be saved.  Oh well.  Thanks.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    This should work. Load the new prop asset that you saved. Load the materials onto the new prop asset and then save as a material preset for that new prop. I don't know if there is a script that could automate this process. It gets tedious doing that for each material option. I did that a lot for skins that I've moved up where I wanted to have the makeup options as materials for the new skin fitted to G3 or G4. A script would be nice because that would save tons of time. I just haven't come across anything like that.

    I was hoping that there was just a way to add new metadata so that another material preset didn't have to be saved.  Oh well.  Thanks.

    A preset can have more than one Compatibility Base if you don't want separate presets.

  • This should work. Load the new prop asset that you saved. Load the materials onto the new prop asset and then save as a material preset for that new prop. I don't know if there is a script that could automate this process. It gets tedious doing that for each material option. I did that a lot for skins that I've moved up where I wanted to have the makeup options as materials for the new skin fitted to G3 or G4. A script would be nice because that would save tons of time. I just haven't come across anything like that.

    I was hoping that there was just a way to add new metadata so that another material preset didn't have to be saved.  Oh well.  Thanks.

    A preset can have more than one Compatibility Base if you don't want separate presets.

    That is exactly what I expected I should be able to do.  Just don't know how to do it.  Do you HOW to set the compatibility base for a material?

  • This should work. Load the new prop asset that you saved. Load the materials onto the new prop asset and then save as a material preset for that new prop. I don't know if there is a script that could automate this process. It gets tedious doing that for each material option. I did that a lot for skins that I've moved up where I wanted to have the makeup options as materials for the new skin fitted to G3 or G4. A script would be nice because that would save tons of time. I just haven't come across anything like that.

    I was hoping that there was just a way to add new metadata so that another material preset didn't have to be saved.  Oh well.  Thanks.

    A preset can have more than one Compatibility Base if you don't want separate presets.

    It can be comaptible with more than one base, Mike means - you can't have multipel bases on an item (it has to be uinique), but an add-on can have multiple compatibilities. You probably shouldn't give most presets a base since they don't load a thing into the scene and so can't be filtered by, but many presets are made to work on (and so be compatible with) only a limited set of items.

  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 2,001

    1. If the original V4 Hat has working metadata that displays the hat's materials on the Smart Content tab when the hat is selected and Filter by Context is checked; and
    2. When you saved the hat as a G3F support asset, you didn't changed the default "Set Compatibility Base" value.

    The converted G3F hat should have the V4 hat materials show up in Smart Content tab without any further action on your part.

    I've attached a picture of the Figure/Prop Save Options screen where I saved Hat 05 from the Hat Hat Hat... (DS format) product. Highlighted is the Set Compatibility Base field. You will only see this field populated if the original V4 hat had working metadata that shows the materials for hat when the hat is selected (and Filter by Context is checked) on the Smart Content tab.

    If the Set Compatibility Base field was blank, you would need to create the metadata yourself that links the materials to the hat on the Smart Content tab by following evilded777's link to creating metadata tutorial.

    Figure Props Assets Save Options.JPG
    713 x 661 - 137K
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