How can I save a pose as a PZ2 file?

I need to fine tune a pose that came with some poser content and save it back to the pose folder.

But when I save as a pose preset it will only save it as a DUF (which is invisible in a poser folder)

How can I save as a PZ2 file?



  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    Well export to Poser Format would be my only guess and maybe once there there will be a dialogue that lets you narrow down the list of things that you be exporting to Poser format. Try it, it will take only a couple of minutes & in the mean time maybe a more experienced use can exactly tell you how, if it's possible.

  • SertorialSertorial Posts: 962

    Well export to Poser Format would be my only guess and maybe once there there will be a dialogue that lets you narrow down the list of things that you be exporting to Poser format. Try it, it will take only a couple of minutes & in the mean time maybe a more experienced use can exactly tell you how, if it's possible.

    thanks. but that's only for content files (.cr2). There's no .pz2 option.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    Sertorial said:

    Well export to Poser Format would be my only guess and maybe once there there will be a dialogue that lets you narrow down the list of things that you be exporting to Poser format. Try it, it will take only a couple of minutes & in the mean time maybe a more experienced use can exactly tell you how, if it's possible.

    thanks. but that's only for content files (.cr2). There's no .pz2 option.

    OK, bummer.

  • SertorialSertorial Posts: 962

    ah Richard to the rescue. As always!

    thanks my friend.

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