Can't parent dynamic clothing

in New Users
I just install Daz Studio and activate Dynamic Clothing Control plugin. I load a Genesis figure and then a dynamic clothing(no parent and no fit to figure) and works perfectly but when I parent this clothing item to the figure then I get this error when I try "Collide with" button on Dynamic clothing panel (See attached file) and I can't draping either.
Any advice?

1302 x 630 - 186K
I have similar trouble too if anyone has a hint. I bought a dynamic Kilt that also would serve as a nice skirt on Girl 7 but I can't get the Autofit to place the Kilt on the Girl . Are we supposed to spend hours trying to fit the Kilt and other dynamic clothing on DAZ characters visually in the viewport?
I don't think you are supposed to autofit dynamic clothes... they are, after all, dynamic.
Parenting them is a different issue.
Well that makes no sense because after all autofit is just a restricted variation of dynamic clothing taylored to the body of a model. Autofitting should be easiest and most realistic with dynamic clothing. DAZ Studio could with an option to autofit dynamic clothing to a figure and then to drape as would be the usage case 90% of the time or alternatively just to apply draping/physics where it is located at in X, Y, Z, laying on the floor for example.
I've searched the forum, and it is that they don't autofit, because they are dynamic. Compare:
I have centered the kilt over the hips that it is parented to of a previously seated character and am telling the Dynamic Plugin to only drap on the abdomen, hips, thighs, shins and object the character is seated on but so far it is doing a whoaful job of it, eg, it has yet to try and drape the front of the kilt over the sitting character's thighs but instead is generally knotting itself up from it's original positioning which went through the thigh since the character was seated.
So much for UI design and dynamic calculation of the collisions this cloth would need to be draped correctly parented to a character's hips. Autofit would have had the sense to do that and then this 'Dynamic Cloth Plugin' could use draping and physics to correctly fit and then drape the kilt. It's not a very good plugin so far.
No, AutoFit is not some kind of subset of the dynamics engine. AutoFit works by comparing the source shape to the target, working out how to transform from one to the other, and then applying the same transforms to the clothing - that's why it comes to grief with things that project far from the body, and with things that are close to more than one area of the body.
The geometry of dynamic clothing responds only to the dynamics engine - no AutoFit, not AutoFollow of morphs, no DForms.
I usually use animated dynamic posing, as it allows the item to drape as the character sits or moves into position. Have you tried that?
My problem is not autofit. I can´t PARENT dynamic clothings.
How can a physics engine of dynamic cloth work by not comparing the surface shapes of the source models it is near too and the location of it's cloth surfaces? That plugin did not pay a whit of attention to the fact the cloth was going through the thighs ignoring the laws of physics and a bit of common sense that autofit uses. Autofit is logically a very simplified case of a draping cloth and one the writers of that dynamic cloth plugin would do well to use in optimizing the efficiancy and correctness of their own plugin.
I will try as BeeMKay says and try this animated dynamic posing in the Dynamic Clothing plugin. Or maybe the coming VWD plugin will work better.
After you parented it, you then click "Drape"? And it gives you the error message?
I just tried a dynamic M4 hat parented to Genesis head, and it worked fine.
No it isn't - AutoFit has nothing to do with the dynamics of cloth, it's purely a spatial transform keeping the same relationships between two meshes as one of them is modified. Smoothing also has nothing to do with the dynamics engine, and isn't itself any kind of dynamics engine. They aren't doing the same kind of thing so your logical inference is wrong.
Physics is spacial transformation of matter (smoothing or ruffling or draping of surfaces and the location of those surfaces for example) and how energy effects those transforms (gravity and wind for example) over intervals of time for the surface and energy transforms. Not a big deal though if the makers of the plugin don't improve it's functionality as there will be other products.
When I try to drape a parent item I get this message (see attached file)
And it works when you just load the item, and not parent it? That's weird, to say the least. What item is that, anything from this store? Does it also happen with other dynamic items, or just the ones from that set?
Yes, it works when I load the item and not parent it. It happens with all of my dynamic clothings.
I just noticed something. You seem to have the full version. I just tested it with the default version that comes with DS. It might have something to do with that? It might help (or not) to deinstall the full version, and then reinstall it.
If using dynamics first, and then parent the already draped piece afterwards is a workaourd for you, perhaps you can use that for now. Maybe it's best to put in a support ticket, unless someone here has a good idea on how to solve this riddle.
As a matter of interest, what hapens if you select "All Cloth in Scene" instead of "All Cloth on Figure" in the drop-down at the top of the Dynamics panel?
Yes. That's the solution. Thanks!
if the object is made for a different figure and is not "fit to" your subject, you can not use "all cloth on figure" as MelanieL said, you need to change that option.
"all cloth on figure" and the similar selection only apply to items you have "fit to". So... a lot of things are not going to work with those options these days.
Glad this could be solved, and learned something new again!