Noob Tutorial Issues

Firstly, I didn't know whether this belonged in the "Nuts 'n Bolts" category because all of that seemed to be of a higher technical difficulty than my issue.

I'm having an issue with the beginner interactive tutorial called "Getting Started". I'm on "Part IV - Posing A Figure", where you need to bend the neck to a measured 13.5 and twist the figure's head to face the camera. After I do what it says, the tutorial does not continue. I've also tried a combination of solutions, such as the twist without the bend and vice versa, as well as setting both to 13.5. Basically, I'm stuck on this one tutorial slide and I can't get to the next step. Help?

DAZ - Getting Started Tutorial.png
1366 x 768 - 466K


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    I just tried that part of the tutorial, and it worked fine for me. Maybe it's the order you moved things? Put everything back to zero, then select the Bend slider first and put it to 13.5. Then the Twists slider to 22. After that, it should ask you to adjust the Side-Side slider.

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