.obj to .cr2 question

I created some .obj models... and importing them into daz studio 4.5...
is it posible to safe them as .cr2 ?
I tried but I can't get it to work...
it always asking me at end of procedure to select a skeleton for it....
So I guess i do something wrong..but cant figure out what..
Also I always have to browse to a runtime folder in the second popup .. is there a way to tel daz studio to remember the path ?
Thnx in advance and kindly reagards : @tlantis
PS. Sorry for my bad English, I am from The Netherlands..
The OBJ format does not carry rigging information, that is why you are getting the message about the skeleton.
The OBJ file would need to be rigged in order to be posed inside of DS or Poser.
There is an older file available that can convert an OBJ to PP2 (Prop), and it is called 'OBJtoPP2'. Can't remember where I got it, but Google should help, otherwise if your OBJ is a figure, it would need to be rigged.
I cvompletely forgot about the PFE (Poser Format Exporter) which is available free from the store here : http://www.daz3d.com/shop/poser-format-exporter-pfe
There is a link to a tut on how to use it as well.
I think this is why I forgot it, sorry, it only does Poses, Hand and Face formats.
Thnx for the fast reply...
No it isn't a character its a aztec pyramide..and i want to make it also poser ready
I googled the OBJtoPP2 .. but it shows only 3 links... without any download information for it..
But thnx anyway..much appreciated...
Kindly regards: @tlantis
You want The PP2 Exporter as listed in the old Forum Archives. I have lost the link but it is the best one to use I hope another pop's in with a link for you. I use it and it works very well.
I keep a copy of it on my Mediafire account.
PP2 Exporter for DS: http://www.mediafire.com/?3m5gbz5f8bjjgjm
That is the last updated version of it. It will not rename surfaces unless they have the word "default" in them
Just drop in anywhere you want in your Content folder and your good to go.
Atlantis, see this as well - Dealing With Zipped Poser Content: http://www.mediafire.com/?oqcf29kmigzd3gk - if you need help making it available to your self or others from within DS
Thnx Mattymanx for the links... and thnx to all others for the reply's also....
I've been reading all the old posts regarding the obj to pp2 script and have had some success but still having a problem with textures. My converted props still load coloured purple. I fully understand the layout of Poser files and their hierarchy but have questions about how the script works.
1) I save to a 'prop' directory in my content folder in Daz 4.5 (latest version). I save the obj file there also and have the texture file there.
2) I assumed that the script would make a directory in the 'textures' directory and place the texture file (or a copy of it) there so that it would be recognized by Poser/Daz.
3) Do I have to make the directory by hand and place the texture file there? Would I do this BEFORE running the script?
4) When examining the PP2 file I see that my texture in the original directory is properly referenced and yet it doesn't load.
Thanks for any help you can give.
The layout should be something like this...
OBJ file \Runtime\Geometries\yourname\item\item.obj
PP2 file \Runtime\Libraries\Props\yourname\item\item.pp2
Texture files \Runtime\Textures\yourname\item\texture.jpg (png, tif, bmp)
The folders should be set up BEFORE you save the item...using the script to point to those folders. Also, if you start with the obj in the Geometries subfolder and the texture in the Textures subfolder, then when you import it, the script will write the correct texture path without doing anything else. It will also overwrite the obj in the Geometries folder, at the correct scale, etc.
The 'yourname' isn't critical, as long as you use some consistent way of grouping the items.
I'm afraid that I'm still in the same spot despite a LOT of fiddling. I verified many times that my directories are set up as you pointed out although they already where. I even created new ones in a few different categories...just in case. No matter what I do my item (a Roman column) still loads purple. The specular and ambient colours also load as black. The funny thing is, is that the PP2 file points to my texture file. I looked at numerous other PP2 files that I know to work and they where identical to mine as far as pointing to texture and geometry files. I even used a few different textures in case the one I was using had a problem.
Could there be something in my DAZ setup that the script doesn't like? I read a few other posts from folks who had a similar problem but there was no reply. I'm on Win7 64 bit with four hard drives. Windows is on one partition on an SSD and all my programs (including Daz) are on the other partion, still on the SSD. ALL my content is on another regular hard drive. I absolutely, positively, staunchly do NOT use the 'My Folders' or 'Libraries' or any other Microsoft suggested storage spot. Everything goes in directories I designate for easy backup and archiving.
My original 3ds file and the subsequent Hex file all had textures. Could some old code in those files be causing this problem? I even checked that all those files had full permissions for read/write/modification enabled for all users.
Just to verify, here's my hierarchy...
On my "I " drive I have,
Daz Installed\Buildings\Runtime\Geometries\Construction\Columns - Column01(Version35).obj
Daz Installed\Buildings\Runtime\libraries\props\construction\Columns - Column01(Version35).PP2
Daz Installed\Buildings\Runtime\Textures\Construction\Columns - MARBL01.jpg
Attached is part of the PP2 file if that's of any help...
material default
KdColor 1 1 1 1
KaColor 0 0 0 1
KsColor 0.6 0.6 0.6 1
TextureColor 1 1 1 1
NsExponent 0
tMin 0
tMax 0
tExpo 1
bumpStrength 0
ksIgnoreTexture 0
reflectThruLights 1
reflectThruKd 1
textureMap ":Buildings:Runtime:textures:Construction:Columns:MARBL01.jpg"
bumpMap NO_MAP
reflectionMap NO_MAP
transparencyMap NO_MAP
ReflectionColor 1 1 1 1
reflectionStrength 0
material Preview
A PM from Mattymanx solved my problem.
His hint regarding the 'default' material name did the trick. I'm very familiar with notepad++ as I've done a bit of copy-n-paste programming. I found one instance of it and compared the file to several other obj files that I knew worked. While the material name is indeed called out there is no file extension (jpg, tif etc). I inserted my desired name and placed the material in the geometry directory. Running the script worked like a charm.
Thanks to those who helped me figure this out. I've got a ton of 3DS files to convert and save.
I also followed the scenario well.
Thank you for your help. But I have a concern, the script does not advertise the normal map!
No line on this?
material bk_cannon
KdColor 1 1 1 1
KaColor 0.023529411764705882 0.023529411764705882 0.023529411764705882 1
KsColor 0.6 0.6 0.6 0
TextureColor 1 1 1 1
NsExponent 100
tMin 0
tMax 0
tExpo 1
bumpStrength 0
ksIgnoreTexture 0
reflectThruLights 1
reflectThruKd 1
textureMap ":Runtime:textures:PAMAWO:bunker:bk_cannon.jpg"
bumpMap NO_MAP
reflectionMap NO_MAP
transparencyMap ":Runtime:textures:PAMAWO:bunker:bk_cannon_A.jpg"
ReflectionColor 1 1 1 1
reflectionStrength 0
material Preview
KdColor 0.654622 0.497543 0.861782 1
KaColor 0 0 0 1
KsColor 0.187072 0.0360363 0.131175 1
TextureColor 1 1 1 1
NsExponent 5.0
tMin 0
tMax 0
tExpo 0.6
bumpStrength 1
ksIgnoreTexture 0
reflectThruLights 1
reflectThruKd 0
textureMap NO_MAP
bumpMap NO_MAP
reflectionMap NO_MAP
transparencyMap NO_MAP
ReflectionColor 1 1 1 1
reflectionStrength 1
You actually sound surprised that there isn't any where for a Normal map, DS can't read or write Poser shaders, and the only surface settings it can do are the old Poser 4 settings, which is what you have posted, and if you look you will notice there is also no where for Displacement maps or Specular maps, Poser 4's surfaces settings were almost as basic as what you get in an MTL.
If you must save Poser format files in DS then you need to keep your surfaces very simple, or go buy Poser and learn how to use the Material room in it.
can someone also help me with this
can someone also help me with this PP2 Exporter for DS i can't find it
It's actually called Poser Format Exporter (PFE)
Check in Renderosity's freebies, you will find a DS4 compatable version of the PP2 exporter in there.
The Poser Format Exporter (PFE) is for exporting poses from DS to Poser PZ2/FC2/HD2 formats.
The PP2 exporter is for turning a mesh into a Poser Prop (PP2)