Distorted models

Hello everyone.

I have a huge problem in DAZ Studio 4.9. I'm kind of new to this software, been using it for about 2 months now. The problem concerns my models. For example, lets take Annelies for Olympia 7. In the product description she looks like this: 

But when I add her to my scene her 3D model looks really distorted, like this:



Nose, jaw and lips are totally off. Well, everything is off. Is this normal, guys? Should I manually fix every model (because this problem applies to lots of my models, mostly Genesis 3) after adding it to my scene? Or should I consider reinstalling everything? Thank you for your help..


  • It looks as if there is another morph loading with a value of one. Load the base Genesis 3 female and, assuming that isn't in the default sahpe, go to the Parameters pane and click on the Currently Used group label on the left - what is listed in the right half of the pane?

  • 3desire3desire Posts: 2

    Thank you Richard for quick response. Yes, you were right, there are 3 morphs (body and head) applied on load... I don't know why it is happening, but after zeroing them everything looks normal, thank you!


    Is there a way to change that DAZ behaviour? Do I have to reset those morphs manually on every load?

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

    Thst's not Studio behavior per. se. That's typically bad behavior on the part of a product, seems to happen often with free morphs or characters. Much less to never with products from experienced PA's. I forget the permanent solution, but Richard will probably be back to explain. If you can identify the product that the morphs were from, you can either delete it permanently, or try to delete then reinstall to see if that fixes the issue. Or wait for Richard.

  • If you list the morphs that are set (and shouldn't be - Navel and Mouth Realism are meant to be on by default) then we may be able to figure out the issue and perhaps get it fixed (if you want access to the problem shape).

  • 3desire3desire Posts: 2

    This is what I've got after loading default Genesis 3 Female:

  • Is that one of the characters named Avery in the store or a freebie? For the LY Amorette morphs, try reinstalling the product; for Avery, if it's a store product try reisntalling. If that dosn't fix a Daz item please open a support ticket, but in the emant time you can deal with the issue by:

    clicking the gear icon on the morph's slider and from the menu selecting Parameter Settings

    in the dialogue setting the Default value to 0 and clicking Accept

    going to File>Save as>Support Assets>Moprh Asset

    in the option dialogue selecting the morph you just modified, leaving everything else at the defaults, and clicking Accept.

  • I am glad I found this post as I recently encountered a similar problem every time I try to use a G2M character. I spent days trying to figure out the problem with no luck. Thanks
  • I tried the steps mentioned by Richard Haseltine, I was not able to correct G2M.

    Even though it takes the shape of the original model, everytime I apply any "shape presets" it takes a weird turn for the worse. Some morphs that would usually add volume end up deforming the character inwards, 

    At this poing I am really frustrated and I am seriously thinking about deleting the whole thing (Daz3D) and starting from scratch. I have a lot of content so I was trying to prevent this route, but even replacing all G2M files with newones from Daz Store is not working.

    If anyone has an idea, please send it my way... hopefully I see it before I uninstall the whole thing

  • It still sounds like an ERC link that shouldn't be there. Try applying a preset that gives the distortion but shows few morphs in the Currently Used group and post a screenshot showing the Currently Used list, and a screenshot of the distorted figure (since it will be nude, presumably, switch the viewport to Smooth Shaded mode, ctrl(win)/cmd(Mac)-7, take your screenshot, and switch back to your usual mode (ctrl/cmd-9 for texture Shaded, ctrl/cmd-0 for Iray preview).

  • VeemaximusVeemaximus Posts: 15
    edited November 2017

    I just started having this problem as I delve into the world of  "Saving Morph Asset"s. Seems like that may have caused this for me 'cause I noticed it soon after I was playing around with this. I tried a few things to fix it, saving a new Morph Asset that was Zeroed and reinstalling the G8F Started figures..... no luck yet. 

    Post edited by Veemaximus on
  • frankrblowfrankrblow Posts: 2,052
    edited November 2017

    I had this problem, too, with a G3F character modified with Growing Up morphs, and a lot of dial turning. Nothing I did could fix it, so I gust deleted the saved preset I had, and used a different character for the scene. First image has G3 at Zero pose. Second image with hand pose of 25. Distortion only affected hands and fingers, not arms, legs, feet or toes.



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  • I had this problem, too, with a G3F character modified with Growing Up morphs, and a lot of dial turning. Nothing I did could fix it, so I gust deleted the saved preset I had, and used a different character for the scene. First image has G3 at Zero pose. Second image with hand pose of 25. Distortion only affected hands and fingers, not arms, legs, feet or toes.

    That looks like a failure of the rigging to adjust to the shape - which should be set up for store morph sets. Were you using any custom morphs? Had you exported the morphed figure as OBJ and loaded as a new morph? The latter will cause problems like this and so is a bad idea even if there's no issue over not being able to share the result.

  • frankrblowfrankrblow Posts: 2,052

    Thanks, Richard. None of the above. I used https://www.daz3d.com/adele-for-genesis-3-female as the basis of the figure, addedhttps://www.daz3d.com/growing-up-for-genesis-3-female-s (child morph), then adjusted some facial dials (under 'Actor'). Once it looked like I wanted, I saved it as a Scene Subset for later use. Please note that I very much doubt that the Adele original character is the problem, as this distortion has not happened before or since. I suspect it is a freak problem - maybe something working in the background (Windows 10) gave Studio the hickups the day I created the small character.

  • Can you test to see if it does happen with just the Growing Up settings? If it does save a shaping preset, apply that to a newly loaded figure, and see if it shows the same issue - if it does please post the preset here.

  • frankrblowfrankrblow Posts: 2,052
    edited December 2017

    As you requested, Richard, I applied a Growing Up morph, only, to the VW Adele character, saved it as a Preset, then applied the preset to a base G3F character. No distortion resulted, that I could tell. I took it a step further, and saved, as individual subsets, both the original morphed character, and the one created using the preset. Still no distortion. I did this, because that was how the distorted figure was first made. The green figure is the one that was made with the preset, then saved as a scene subset. Note, with the pink figure, I applied maximum bending to the fingers, too.

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  • So it sounds like an issue with that particular file, prsumably some setting has a local override. Very odd. Does the saved preset let you continue with your work?

  • frankrblowfrankrblow Posts: 2,052

    So it sounds like an issue with that particular file, prsumably some setting has a local override. Very odd. Does the saved preset let you continue with your work?

    I assume you mean the latest preset I made, Richard? Then yes. It works fine, thoough, I did not change the face morphs to match the original character I dialed.

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