Mad Scientist Outfit please ! Ze Doktor needs it !

I would like to see a "Mad Scientist" Outfit: you know, side buttoned white labcoat with high collar, gloves, boots and of course, the goggles - preferrably with about fifty different changeable lenses !
Mainly, I would like the labcoat, also possibly re-defined as a dentist's jacket if the sleeves are shorter, ideally for M4.
Can't find anything even remotely like it that I could re-texture to resemble it.
Any takers?
I've been wanting this for a while. They have a doctor set for victoria which includes a lab coat, but to me it looks dated and rubbery. My favorite so far is the surgeon's outfit, which is available for genesis and looks great when rendere although kinda pricey
I'd love a more modern labcoat. All the ones I have tend to be rubbery looking or toony.
However, if you do like toony, they have a mad doctor set on rendorosity. That site isn't safe for work, or I'd look it up for you, but I believe its on sale for halloween.
The only "Doctor" I found on Renderosity is Dr. Pitterbill who is a toon character - neat but not what I was after.
Thanks for the info, if you are referring to something else I would appreciate a name or a link.
Mad Scientist?
Hey thanks Gedd, but that 's a toon item and it doesn't have the side buttons a "proper" Doktor's coat would have.
Attached is pic of a short sleeve version - I have made the buttons dark to point out where they are on a very low res image.
Gotcha. Guess I mostly see 'mad scientists' in toon format so having hard time picturing one not toon.
Yeah, I think thats the one, plus there is some crazy doctor monster I think I saw at one point, but he didn't look very doctor-ly.
I have a standard male doctor that I like to portay and he's either got to wear the surgeon garb or cross dress and wear V4's scrubs, which creates problems since outfit is designed for a woman.
You can sort of make v4's labcoat work on m4, but I would really like something a touch more realistic.... Personally.
It does really seem odd to me, that there are no good doctor costumes for men...
Isn't it funny how different it can be from country to country?