Two version of DS
I'm weary of installing any new version without keeping my stable one at least for a while. When I tried to install 4.9 it prompted me to uninstall my previous version even though I installed in a different directory. I was wondering if there's a trick so I can have both 4.8 and 4.9 on my computer?
You can have the beta and the release build at the same time - the beta must be installed with DIM. Note that chnages made to the CMS database in 4.9 will not be seen in 4.8 (chnaged categories and your own saved files, though you can open the latter directly as usual).
Thanks Richard but I'm still a little scared to attempt it. Is 4.9 still in beta? Are you certain that through DIM, 4.8 will not be unistalled? I'm not really good with changes :(
Theer is a release build of 4.9 ( but there's also a Public beta (4.9.3.something). Recently the public beta has been available even once the release version has caught up so that people can have a choice. As for 4.8 release/4.9 beta, I uninstalled 4.8 once there was a 4.9 release version but others are still using that combination
So I can't really have a 4.8/4.9 releases only 4.8/4.9Beta ? Sorry to be a pain :(
You can have 4.8 release and 4.9 beta
Thanks Richard, given the problems with the latest beta I'll [probably skip it for now :)
I'm running 4.8 and the current Beta of 4.9 side by side, and experience no problems.
I'll give it a shot :)