Customizing little ones genisis 3? and creating backgrounds?

Hi, I just downloaded daz today so im really new. I would like to illustrate a kids book using the little ones for genisis 3 charchters. Is that leagl? and am i able to customize these characters, change hair, eye, add freckles, make taller, change nose etc.? also how do I create my own backgrounds? thanks


  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

    Slow down there Speed Racer lol

    Yes those things are all technically possible but if you are brand new to Daz and 3D art, I'd advise starting small. You won't be able to do that right out of the gates. It may take some time to learn all the various methods and techniques to acheive the desired results. How much time depends on how much time you can spend learning. I've been doing it for almost a year and still consider myself a newbie. I know people that have been at it for much longer and still run into problems too. This forum is going to be your best friend as you learn. It's a great resource to not only ask questions but also to read other peoples questions. But since you asked for specifics I'll try to answer them.

    Is it legal? Yes. It's my understanding that anything bought in Daz and used in Renders is available for use in commercial and personal renders. Now, other sites that are great for materials (Renderosity for instance) have End User License Agreements (EULA) but even most of those say it's okay to use for commercial purposes. But it's always a good idea to read the EULA before purchase so you don't spend money on a pair of shoes for instance that the vendor does not want to be used for anything but private use.

    As far as character customization goes, yes you can do most of those things using body morphs. I would reccomend the "Growing Up" bundle. I have it and it's very easy to work with. It comes with settings that you can just click and it will make a character anything from a toddler to a late teen. There are also slider controls. I use these more because the characters seem to look about 35yr old to me. Using a slider I can make them juuuust a little younger without dropping them to High School age.

    Features: Make sure whatever hair you buy comes with the shade of hair you plan on using. Some hair offers more options than others. Ditto for eyes. Characters tend to come with a few different eye options so you won't be in trouble there. Unless you're looking for a red eyed demon then you'll have to purchase another product/add on. Height and facial changes can be achieved using body morphs. These are things you'll have to purchase but they don't tend to be too pricey and are always handy to have.

    Making your own backgrounds: There are a few different methods you can use as far as scenery outside a window for instance. But if you're talking about making Iray optimized 3D environments, you're talking about some serious skill type stuff. Not saying you can't learn how but it is no easy task I'm sure. Personally, I leave it to the pros and just purchase ones that will work for whatever theme picture I am doing.

    A little advice on something I didn't know when I first started....I don't know if you've made any purchases just yet but if you haven't, tread slowly. I saw a figure I thought looked amazing, great hair, nice outfit, beautiful! So I purchased it, downloaded it and loaded it into my scene. She was bald, naked and didn't load right because she was built off of Victoria 6 which I did not own. My point it, the advertisment isn't what you get and you have to pay attention to REQUIRED PRODUCTS. And if you have not purchased anything yet, I highly suggest joing the Platinum Club. It will save you far more than it costs. I haven't heard anyone say it was a rip off or they don't get any use out of it.

    That's my advice. Happy Daz'ing, stop here an ask questions any time. The amount of people and experiance on this board alone will be enough to answer any question you can come up with.

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