The "Victoria 4" support folder could not be found"

Such notifier appears everytime I try to load a new V4 figure.

Though I can load an existing scene where V4 already exists. But the error still insults me.

Tryed reinstalling and reimporting database. No effect. No advices in the internets. What should I do?


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,841

    It's looking for the \Runtime\Libraries\!DAZ\Victoria 4 folder in one (and only one) of your Poser Format content directories - does that exist?

  • LagrangeLagrange Posts: 111

    Yes. And there are almost 4000 files (161 mb).

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,841

    Try reinstalling the Victoria 4 PowerLoader files, and make sure theya re going to the content directory with the \Runtime\Libraries\!DAZ\Victoria 4 folder.

  • LagrangeLagrange Posts: 111

    I don't know why it is happening. Folder exists. Reinstal - done. Reimport DB - done. Error stays.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,841

    Sorry, I can't think what else to suggest.

  • QuasarQuasar Posts: 651
    edited October 2017

    Does DS still support PowerLoader? I'm having this same problem with the Millennium SubDragon. I made sure the directory is listed as a Poser content directory. The SubDragon only installed itself as a Poser file so it wouldn't even show up in my content if the runtime wasn't listed as a Poser directory. Is there some other problem that could be causing this? I used the DIM to install both the SubDragon and the PowerLoader to the same directory.

    Post edited by Quasar on
  • Quasar said:

    Does DS still support PowerLoader? I'm having this same problem with the Millennium SubDragon. I made sure the directory is listed as a Poser content directory. The SubDragon only installed itself as a Poser file so it wouldn't even show up in my content if the runtime wasn't listed as a Poser directory. Is there some other problem that could be causing this? I used the DIM to install both the SubDragon and the PowerLoader to the same directory.

    Yes. at least for the humans. Do you have the scroll icon in the corner of the thumbnail, indicating a sidecar file? If not, the isntallation is at fault; if so, try holding down ctrl (cmd for Mac) while double-clicking to force the dialogue box to show.

  • QuasarQuasar Posts: 651
    edited October 2017

    Yes, the scroll icon is there. The dialog box opens after I click OK on the error window but nothing is listed in it. If I click accept anyway, some type of load window pops up for a second but once it's gone, nothing is added to the scene. It just remains an empty scene. I have the expansion for the SubDragon as well but it doesn't let me inject those morphs and I'm guessing that's because I can't get the PowerLoader to work so it can set up the figure to accept them.

    Post edited by Quasar on
  • Sorry, I hadn't read back to see the previous parts of the thread. One thing to check might be that you don't have nested content folders - a folder set as a content directory inside another folder set as a content directory.

  • QuasarQuasar Posts: 651
    edited October 2017

    I just double checked. My three content directories are each in their own location separate from each other. There isn't one inside one of the others. I also looked for the directory "\Runtime\Libraries\!DAZ\SubDragon" and it's there in the proper runtime.

    Post edited by Quasar on
  • Then as above, I'm really not sure what the issue is. This was a DIM install?

  • QuasarQuasar Posts: 651

    Yes. I even tried uninstalling the PowerLoader, deleting the installation file and reinstalling it with a fresh download through the DIM again and it still does the same thing. If I can't get the PowerLoader to work, how can I make the SubDragon capable of injecting the SubDragon Expansion morphs?

  • Using the DzCreateExPFiles-SubDragon (or whatever it is called) in /Runtime/Libraries/!DAZ should produce the files needed to load all of the isntalled morphs via the INJ pose, with the PowerLoader files uninstalled.

  • QuasarQuasar Posts: 651

    Thank you Richard! I had also installed the SubDragon expansion with DAZ Connect so running the DzCreateExPFiles-SDrgn.bat file wasn't working at first either because the morphs weren't in the same directory. Once I uninstalled it from DAZ Connect and installed it with DIM, running DzCreateExPFiles-SDrgn.bat worked just fine. PowerLoader still wouldn't work but at least I can load in the SubDragon without PowerLoader and  inject the extra morphs.

  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,715

    FWIW, I just found that in 4.9.x only (older versions don't seem to do this) having multiple Poser Runtimes 'mounted' in DS (e.g. having both an M4-centric runtime, and a V4-centric runtime), that one will work fine, and the other will display this message. When I use the DS "content-directory-manager" (content-lib upper right corner mini menu) to switch the order of the folders (move up/down), the error occurs on the other folder, and works on the previously broken folder, etc.)

    I believe this is a new bug in the 4.9 series. 4.8 running from the same system (using the same DS user-environment folder) lets me load my figures from both poser-style folders fine, in any 'mount' order.

    Bottom line: try swapping the folder order in your poser-style runtimes to see if you can get the character(s) that you want loaded. I have not submitted a bug-report, as I haven't verified this with any certainty, and am on deadline elsewhere. If you have an either/or conflict due to this effect, you could create a new temporary poser runtime by merging the two (+) folders into a third folder and mounting that one in the right place/order. Careful - merging runtimes could get rather large but it may keep you moving forward until this is resolved.



  • Connect can't (yet, at least) install ExP morphs/expansions, so I would ask you to report that the SubDragon/expansion are showing as Connect available when they shouldn't.

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