Bryce 7 file opens then hangs

I spent the last 2 days working on a 3d logo for a company, and as I was making an adjustment, Bryce  crashed on me. Now when I open the file it loads and renders a frame, then hangs with the spinning color wheel. I am running on Bryce 7 (doesnt say pro anywhere, but nothing is grayed out) Any suggesttion?


iMac 2011 iCore i7 3.4 GHz

AMD Radeon HD 6970M


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    which OS X       Bryce 7  will not work on an OS X greater than 10.6

  • Thanks Chole, but I'm running on 10.6.8 and have had no issues till this crash. Also, every other Bryce doc I open has no problems.

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241

    While I don't know what is happening and this is an extreme long shot, as an absolute last-ditch recovery attempt is there any possibility that you have hit Bryce's memory limit, are not running Large Address Aware yet, but could?  I'm assuming LAA is for PCs not Macs (but don't know that) but perhaps you could install Bryce along with LAA on a friend's or employer's PC and see if it will load that way just to finish this one project if you are desparate and don't get a better suggestion.

  • So, I worked out a solution by using the "Merge..." option in the File menu. Thankfully, my camera animation was minor, because, though it imported all the key frames of the original file, it not import the key frames for the camera.

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241

    Glad you were able to at least partly recover.

    I've gotten into the habit of constantly saving iterations of my work, and never deleting the previous one until the current file has been able to be opened and converted to opengl, so I always have something to fall back to just in case.

  • I do that in many other programs, and should now better with Bryce, since Daz has decided to abandon any upates that might include an attick of sorts.

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