Quick Question about Uber Shader
I render in Iray and my very last step before hitting Render is to select everything in the surfaces tab and give it a whack with Uber Shader. Often I'll see a problem (before or after i hit render) like a characters finger is too deep inside the clothing or her leg is too far inside the chair. So i stop the render, adjust the pose and then re-select everything and hit it with Uber Shader again. Is this an unnecessary step? Also, do I need to select EVERYTHING in the scene or only the things that will appear in my render window? Often there are fixtures and props that are present in the scene but aren't visible in my selected camera view. Would it render faster if I only Uber Shade the things that will be seen?
If all you are doing is applying the defaults then there's no need to do it - DS will apply the Iray Uber Base at render time to any surfaces that use a 3Delight shader. It's worth manually applying the shader only if you want to adjust one or more settings.
So are you saying that rendering in Iray automatically applies the Iray Uber Base? What is an example of a setting that I would want to adjust and then manually apply the uber shader to?
Increasing the metalic look to a part of a building facade that is made out of metal for example. I am working on how to do that now for the Victorian Shoppes
You have the order of that backwards: apply the shader and then adjust.