What is DAZ NASDAQ abbreviations ?
Is DAZ the NASDAQ company name ?
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What is DAZ NASDAQ abbreviations ?
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Is DAZ the NASDAQ company name ?
If no what is it ?
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What is DAZ NASDAQ abbreviations ?
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I don't think that DAZ is a public company, NASDAQ doesn't list them.
I'm not sure about the NASDAQ, but I believe the "official" name of the company is DAZ 3D. It is an acronym for "Digital Art Zone 3D", so it could be listed as that instead... not sure.
I searched NASDAQ for DAZ and Digital Art Zone and got no results.
The official company name for DAZ is DAZ Productions, Inc. According to Bloomberg and the state of Utah, DAZ Productions, Inc. does business as DAZ 3D and Digital Art Zone and is a privately-held corporation (so it should not be listed on any stock exchange).
Thanks for the info ,very helpful :-)
so you cannot buy shares in Daz!
given that shareholders tend to be a conservative bunch (wanting to make money with minimal risk) that is probably a good thing, there DEFINATELY would be no toast to be had and artistic stuff and maintaining a conservative corporate image tend to clash somewhat.
The share holders will be in the investment capital companies that have put money into daz. There's always someone wanting a slice of the cake
in a way we all fall into THAT catagory, buying a license to render images using Daz mesh and in doing so also promoting the company to others though our art.
(and unless you falsely claim to have made a model yourself to use in a render, you are infact in a way producing promotional images for Daz products in your art!)
Anyone *could* purchase shares in DAZ, but one could not do it in the "normal" way. Shareholders in Private companies tend to be less uptight and more willing to allow management the freedom to do what is necessary. Once you go Public, all sorts of restrictions are placed on you.
Also, shareholders will be far more concerned with quarterly profits over company health or longer-term viability.
Also, shareholders will be far more concerned with quarterly profits over company health or longer-term viability.
There is that. But I was thinking about Gov't regulatory meddling (among other Gov't interventions). For some reason the Fed Gov't seems to think that THEY own your company once you go Public. You built it, they took it.
In the early stages if "going public" most companies still work on a "fiscal year" and it's only after a time being public that the "quarterly" mindset seeps in.