painting meridians in DAz 3d

cyriaccyriac Posts: 7



I just ran into DAZ 3d and posed some basic models here. I don't know much about it so apologies if I am asking some really dumb questions. I wanted to create a map of meridians on say a model like Michael 4. Is it possible to draw something like that in DAZ 3D or do I have to render the model into a 2D image take it into photoshop or illustrator and draw the meridians there? I would prefer if I could create a map of meridians in Daz3d that i could deploy like clothes onto various models in various poses without having to draw them over and over again in PS or Illustrator. The meridians are referenced basis various anatomical landmarks between specific muscles/ bone joints and are therefore pretty set and should be interchangeable if the model's anatomy follows normal human anatomy.

Any advice you could give would be really helpful. Also, may consider paying someone who could develop this for me if the price was reasonable.


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845

    I suppose by DAZ3D you mean DAZ Studio? (DAZ3D is the company)

    DS doesn't include tools to paint on a model. However what you could do is create a skin map with the meridians in photoshop and then use that map in various pictures in DS.

  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384

    "various models"

    In addition to what Leana said, different models will use different UV maps (the unfolded/flattened "skins"). Although some may be interchangeable or convertible with the appropriate utilities, you may need to create separate texture maps as you have described for different models to ensure a proper fit.

  • cyriaccyriac Posts: 7

    Thank you Leana and SixDs. That is very helpful.

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